How to control Kemper SEND RETURN volume

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    I'm now trying to connect Kemper and fractal AX8

    This is my effect loop

    Guitar→Ax8 main input→Ax8 send→Kemper main input→ Kemper send→ Ax8 return→Ax8 main out→Kemper return→audio interface

    When I connect my loop this way, out put level gets very low

    I hope that I can get advise to make my out put level higher

  • Thank you for reply

    I checked Ax output but it seems that Ax out put level is not a problem

    when I turn on the Kemper's Loop effect, the level gets low

    Should I volume up "FX Loop Level" in the "SYSTEM" section?

    I believe default was 0dB

    • Official Post

    what is happening in the Ax8 after the PROFILER Send?
    is this for extra effects?

    and if so, if you want to mix the wet signal of these fx to the core PROFILER sound, they have to be 100% wet (Ax8), and the Mix parameter of the Loop will determine how much of this signal is errr... mixed in ;)

    If both signals carry the dry signal, the latency of the Ax8 will create a comb-filter effect which usually results in a thinner (and quieter) sound.

    You can also connect the PROFILER Send to the Ax8 input and use it's input metering (I assume it has something like that) to check if the level the PROFILER sends is o.k.

    Then, if possible, list the connection of the two processors as you did above, but with a short description of what you want to happen where, something like this:

    Guitar→Ax8 main input (distortion/overdrive pedals) →Ax8 send→Kemper main input...

    this should make it more obvious where a sub-optimal level might come from

  • Thank you for advice

    and Im sorry, I miss checking the Ax8 out put level. I set it to +4dBu and sound became larger

    Even though I have to maximize volume of Mono loop effect to make a same volume as when I only use kemper