• As some of You may know I Like to play, record, mix all by myself and Most of my tracks are just loops I create to jam on, but last weekend I was trying ( for fun ) to let the AI works for me and, well, I admit I'm a bit scared:|

    That's the result of a 10 minutes job.(incuding registration time to the site)

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    It's.. come on! Crazy! It wolud take 3 o 4 days to me to get a backing track like this.

    And it sounds good to me!

    Me jamming it's not main topic actulally.. it's just a take with the first gutar I had there.

  • I detest A.I. The internet already killed music. Now A.I. can do it faster. Music is about expressing yourself not having a computer do it for you, and that's another reason why people can't communicate with each other. Everyone is hiding behind technology.

    You did a very good example of why we should be scared. Death to the Autotunes!

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • The internet didn't kill music. My guess would be that, like me, you got old and the new stuff doesn't make a lot of sense.

    My dad hates most of the music I adore. My son hates the music I adore.

    As for AI.....hate it all you want. Its been present in our lives a WHOLE lot longer than any of us knows. The only change is consumers know about it.

    Now.....get off my lawn.

  • The internet didn't kill music. My guess would be that, like me, you got old and the new stuff doesn't make a lot of sense.

    My dad hates most of the music I adore. My son hates the music I adore.

    As for AI.....hate it all you want. Its been present in our lives a WHOLE lot longer than any of us knows. The only change is consumers know about it.

    Now.....get off my lawn.

    Sorry, not as old as you, and I wholeheartedly disagree.

    I love new music, the problem is you have to search amongst millions of unknowns in the streaming world. The drive to and from work is always the best time to discover new stuff. The internet streamers ruined that. The internet killed music.

    It also doesn't matter when A.I was introduced to the world. It's here and it's destructive, and it will get worse.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Sorry, not as old as you, and I wholeheartedly disagree.

    I love new music, the problem is you have to search amongst millions of unknowns in the streaming world. The drive to and from work is always the best time to discover new stuff. The internet streamers ruined that. The internet killed music.

    It also doesn't matter when A.I was introduced to the world. It's here and it's destructive, and it will get worse.

    Yeah….we’ll agree to disagree.

  • That 335 sounds killer ! AI is impressive so far , next step is being able to take lessons from an AI Hendrix :o

  • Yes..basically What makes me a bit angry is this: let make a concret example! Today me and wife celebrate 10 years of wedding.:love:

    Let's say we want to create a video of our love story with our pics, and to even do a lovely soundtrack just for this video.

    I would do everything by myself and the same so she does.

    I'm pretty sure she (never studied anything in her life about music) will get a better result with the "help" of this site than me, basically playing pianoforte since I was 8 Years old, and guitar since I was 14.

    It's a good thing but, come on, It's not fair !

  • AI has the potential for all sorts of bad outcomes.

    Formulaic and mediocre country songs being one.

    Artificial intelligence can also be used to detect dementia WAY before it manifests. Same for cancer and other ailments. If AI were able to detect pancreatic cancer (which usually isn’t detected until stage 4)…..I might still have my friend instead of having watched him wither and die 6 weeks after diagnosis.

    Music is audible human emotion. Simple as that. If AI can be used to help someone accurately express their feelings….fine by me.

    When someone abuses it for less than good intentions?

    Shocking. Not shocking.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (June 23, 2024 at 8:08 PM).

  • I think a lot of it comes down to your goals. Some people make art to have the end result. Some make art because the process of creating feels good. I suspect many of us are a combination of the two.

    Personally, I don't write songs because I have any great gift to share with humanity. I do it to express emotions (it's cheaper than therapy). In this context, AI has no value for me because the process of writing and creating is an important part of the experience. If the end result is something that others like, that's bonus.

    I don't gig anymore, let alone depend on music income to pay the bills. If I was creating because the end result was important to me monetarily, maybe AI would be a useful tool to help me crank out a ton of music, throw it against the wall, see what sticks, and then cash the checks.

    It's doubtful I'd go that route, however, because when I was playing for a living the joy of the lifestyle was getting paid for expressing myself musically. I actually quit music as a vocation and got a job with computers when the styles I loved went out of favor and to make a living I found myself playing things I wasn't passionate about just to get work. It was better to gig part time doing what I enjoyed.

    AI can be a good tool for those who want to get the end result and cash checks but have little musical talent. The down side is that it makes it easier than ever before for people with no skill beyond clicking a mouse to put talented musicians out of work. Think advertising, sound libraries, etc.

    Automobiles put people who made buggy whips out of business as well, but the difference is that working a normal job, buggy whips or whatever, has always been massively easier than paying the bills as a musician. It's hard enough to make a living at this as it is without someone flooding the market by clicking a few buttons.

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