Too many useless profiles in liquid packs, while direct profiles are missing

  • I don't understand why in the liquid profile packs of some manufacturers there are so many liquid profile versions of the same amplifier. If done well, unless you use different cabinets, one or at most two should be enough...

    What's the point of putting so many versions (among other things, it's not good to obtain liquid profiles from low gain profiles) with some minimal differences in eq settings;

    Wouldn't it be better to add a nice direct liquid profile?

  • My guess is:

    - They want to give you the most bang for your buck. You paid, you should get the exact profile you want.

    - They may all sound similar at low volumes. But may be different at very high volumes.

    I agree Direct profiles should always be a thing. Let me worry about the Cab/IR. It seems like the best profiles would be direct. It would be the closest you can get to the real thing.

  • My guess is:

    - They want to give you the most bang for your buck. You paid, you should get the exact profile you want.

    - They may all sound similar at low volumes. But may be different at very high volumes...

    This is correct in general, but not in the particular case of liquid profiles.

    If we still have to try and select between 20 rigs of a certain amp, to find the right one, the liquid profiles lose their meaning.

    Then, due to how the profiler processes the data, a liquid profile generated by hign gain settings will contain a lot of "information", so we will also obtain excellent low gain sounds; but the opposite is not true.

    A liquid profile generated by Low gain settings does not always allow you to obtain good sounds by increasing the gain.

    So this last type of liquid profile is not that much liquid... ^^

  • archverb May 10, 2024 at 7:41 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Too many useless profiles in the liquid packs” to “Too many useless profiles in liquid packs, while direct profiles are missing”.
  • It was a general discussion and in that case I wouldn't want to find 20 liquid profiles for each channel or switch.

    The same goes for varying cabs

    Well I would not say useless because that is an individual decision. But yes, there are profiles which seem to be done at minimal gain stages which is not following procedure. Then again there will be at least one or two profiles taken at high gain stages. The rest is nice but strictly speaking in my opinion not exactly liquid as far as I understand the profiling process. You may produce one liquid profile or more per amp. But it would not unfair to ask the price of a pack. Since users might not like it you offer a pack. That is not unfair. Some as e.g. Soundside offer exactly what you have in mind for a fair price.