DLY and REV modules does not work on some profiles

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Player

    I bought some excellent profiles from Amalgam Captures, both the Vox, Fender and Marshall packs. (Not KPP-specific profiles).

    On a few of the Marshall profiles, the DLY and REV modules seem to be bypassed. If you have the pack, it's the profiles "MRSH SB100 BR Crunch BAL CAB" and "MRSH SB100 BR Dimed BAL CAB" I'm interested in. For comparison the "MRSH SB100 BR Liquid Profile CAB" profile does have working DLY and REV modules, as does many of the others. (I haven't really checked them all).

    When I open the profiles, only the REV module is populated, so there are no other effects in play. (At least that I can see on the KPP). I turn on the REV module, and the signal is still dry. I have of course tried to put another delay or reverb there, no change. I have tried an effect in the DLY module as well, no change. Mix control is not the problem. Routing options look the same, and I guess those are global anyway. I have also tried to bypass the AMP and CABINET modules, no change. This is both on the XLR out and the monitor out.

    What could cause this? If someone has these profiles already, could you try and check?

  • The Player doesn't offer that parameter. And it doesn't offer all of the delay and reverb effects available in other PROFILER models. I somebody fpr example prepared a Rig with Dual Delay and Ionosphere Reverb, those don't aappear in the Player.

    The problem is not missing delay/reverb effects, it is that no effects work when placed in the DLY/REV modules on certain profiles. Can I send the profile to one of you so you can check?

    • Official Post

    The problem is not missing delay/reverb effects, it is that no effects work when placed in the DLY/REV modules on certain profiles. Can I send the profile to one of you so you can check?

    please open a ticket using the contact form in the support section of the Kemper website. Make sure to log into your user account before using the contact form and select product support inquiry as the feedback type.