Two Profiles at the same time

  • In any case, whatever you guys are talking about is not a Kemper 2.0 just to get back to the original discussion. People were right from the get-go - a Kemper 2.0 is only warranted if CK writes the whole algorithm from scratch. Using the current algorithm in a box with more processing power and I/O would basically be like a new member of the Kemper 1.0 family. Kemper Rack, Kemper Head, Kemper Floor, Kemper Player and now Kemper Band Edition or whatever. It's not a "sequel" to the Kemper, it's a new member in the current lineup of Kempers. It's a Kemper with bells and whistles. At best it's a Kemper Mk II.

    This isn't merely mine or others' opinion, this is the current paradigm for naming electronic products. I'm not saying this is how it should be, I'm just remarking that this is how it actually is per observable reality. The upgraded Axe FX 3 wasn't called Axe FX 4, it was called Axe FX 3 Mk II. And the 3 was not just an Axe FX 2 with more processing power and I/O. It was a wholly new product from scratch. And I only chose the Axe FX because it was the first comparison that came to mind. Playstation 3 is not merely just a Playstation 2 with more power, Pentium i7-13600k isn't just a Pentium i7-12600k with more power. They are major platform revisions with new operating systems, different manufacturing technique. You only increase the number when there's a revolution, otherwise you just make it an edition.

    Which brings us to the discussion of whether a Kemper Band Edition with parallell signal paths and double power for duplicating effect slots to the second signal path, is a product that would generate enough profit to compensate for the cost. I don't know this, but I'm willing to bet you can add four more processing chips for the same cost as doubling the amount of I/O. Quality I/O hardware is expensive from a production cost viewpoint, and the processing hardware inside the Kemper is very dated from what I've understood. That's not to say it's bad, that's to say it was cheap then and it's cheap now. The costly part of a Kemper is all the quality I/O hardware, not the processor or memory. Relatively speaking of course. What I'm trying to say is, a double signal path Kemper would be exponentially more expensive than the current top model, with no more benefits than just buying a second Kemper Rack/Head. I'm pretty sure I'm pretty dead on about what I'm saying.

    Edited 5 times, last by Preacher (April 22, 2024 at 4:11 PM).

  • I don't know how you can advance these numbers and these conclusions ?!

    Does the Profiler need more chips ? I can not tell so. All i can see is that it has been upgraded/updated through the years with the original one ; Yes !

    Profiles are light and even with Imprints/Delays/Reverbs/Drives/Liquid upgrades, no need to change chip... How can we say it's cheap ?!

    It's old and this tech seems enough for the Profiler ; It seems reliable too ;) That's it.... It just means C.Kemper anticipated needs ! :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Can a rig support 4 parallel paths with 32 FXs blocks currently ? May be or may be not... Don't know.

    Even 2 // paths, IMO it can be done but the other question would be to know if the ergonomic is enough good to install it on Head/Rack/Stage. It could be easy on Rig manager but on the hardware itself, i'm not sure.... This could be the reason to launch a K2...

    I don't know if Fractal's products are a good example.... I'm not sure there's a huge difference in amps/cabs modelisation between FX 2 / FX 3....

    The chip was so weak they had to launch quickly a FM3/FM9 Turbo, what a pity !! I would not have to sell a FM3/FM9;;; :rolleyes: ;(

    It was too early to name them FM4/FM10 :D

    To come back to OP's question, i don't know in what form this could be done, if it needs another hardware or not ?! But, imo, the main current brake is that Kemper team doesn't see the reason why to implement this feature.... They don't use to copy others just because it's done elsewhere....

  • Just as an FYI, because I too thought the Turbo was ridiculous, but there was a method behind it. They added the Turbo due to supply chain shortages (COVID):

    Quote from Per Fractal:

    We created the Turbo to sidestep semiconductor supply chain issues

  • Entirely agree with you !!!

    I've played with modelers' parallels paths possibilities ; Wet/dry/wet ; 4 amps/cabs in //, it's fun 5 mns but you stop quickly.... At the same time, there's another guitarist in our band.

    But I've never seen guitarist using rigs that way (on stage).... :/

    While not the norm, there are guitarists that have and do use rigs for live performance this way.

  • While not the norm, there are guitarists that have and do use rigs for live performance this way.

    True. But anyone touring that way has help. Eric Johnson, Bonamassa, ……SRV ran more than one.

    Guys like that.

    Local types? Y’all better be *killer*, on time and easy to get along with.

    I can’t imagine trying to fit that much gear onto a club stage. Much less load in/out. Helping the drummer is annoying enough.

  • Just as an FYI, because I too thought the Turbo was ridiculous, but there was a method behind it. They added the Turbo due to supply chain shortages (COVID):

    Didn't know this reason... I stayed on the complaint from users on many forums with limited CPU (i assume you have to load many FXs...) and that on Fractal's website :

    "The new FM3 Mark II Turbo was released in July 2023. This advanced and compact floor unit builds on the success of the original FM3, now boasting over 10% more DSP power"...

  • OK, but the comment wasn't made regarding who carries the equipment. Is the subject changing or did I miss something?

    You're right ; the way to obtain this is not the subject... But it's interesting ; if guitarists use a traditionnal rig for 2 // amps/cabs will they take the plunge for a profiler ?

    To answer OP's question , there are two solutions ; implemented on current Head/Rack/Stage (and i'm really curious to know how it could be set on the hardware) or launch a Kemper 2...

    As you underline it, few players use parallel path (we can already have multipath with an amp and profiles to FOH ;)) .... Is that an argue to buy a new Kemper ; for me ; NO.

    The question is there in all i see in "feature requests", the first one i always ask myself is ; is it able to have this in our current devices ? Kemper has updated their units in a fantastic way during the last 5 years, i don't know the limits and how they can still do improvements but i'm sure we'll have good surprises....

    May be i'm not objective cause my Stage is close to perfection and i could easily live with few evolutions (i'll stay happy) and i've understood that "beautifull, cool and apealling" is not what i'm after, i would have not bought a Kemper 8o , but use and sounds :love: :thumbup:

    Say differently ; Do i want to put another 700/1000€ on the table (and sell my Stage) for a Kemper 2 cause it brings parallel path, the answer for me is no way....

    NB : i have nothing against features i don't use... I do photography and, as i read it, we only use 10/15% of Digital camera's capabilities ; differently.

    I assume the question for Kemper is : what could motivate users to buy a new unit ? Do we maintain Head/Rack/Stage (and i'm sure Christophe cares about his babies ;) :)). IMO, he will make it last the more he can... It doesn't mean a new product can't exist ;)

  • Can a rig support 4 parallel paths with 32 FXs blocks currently ? May be or may be not... Don't know.

    Even 2 // paths, IMO it can be done but the other question would be to know if the ergonomic is enough good to install it on Head/Rack/Stage. It could be easy on Rig manager but on the hardware itself, i'm not sure.... This could be the reason to launch a K2...

    In theory the KPA could get a lot closer to the "4 parallel paths with 32 Fx blocks" than we might think. Kemper just has a different philosophy of DSP allocation than their competitors.

    Using the Helix (or perhaps the QC) as my point of comparison, the Helix cannot support its four parallel paths with 32 fx blocks, because you'd run out of DSP long before you fill up that space in a musically useful way. It's 8 x 4 is more about the ability to organize a much humbler combination of effects in a visual appealing way. Further, you're going to need to use much of the whatever potential space there is because there's no spillover and a HUGE audio gap if you switch presets. In order to not lose spillover you have to give up half it's processing cores, limiting you to 8 x 2, which is again only a POTENTIAL 8 x 2 provided you don't run out of DSP.

    On the KPA DSP is preserved to allow you to seamlessly switch between Rigs and any combination of effect modules in the performance. If you're content using one advanced parallel delay and reverb algorithm at a moment in time (in the location 90% of guitarists actually use these effects) you have spillover as well. Its limit of 4 effects before and 4 effects after is not the whole story either, as it's it also has input transposition, noise gate, looper, and global output EQs that don't count. It also has more EQ and tone shaping options built into in its amp section than the QC has.

    As far as cost of production, I don't doubling the same type of chips would be prohibitively expensive. Maybe there's more complexity to it than that, but consider that the $699 Player is supposedly run by the same chips as the Stage and Head. Or a separate modern processor allocated to providing a visually appealing GUI like the Fender tone master could be used alongside the old chips for the effect and profile processing. Perhaps let the new processor handle something like an advanced preset independent looper, leaving room for a couple more effect slots in a Rig?