SPDIF slave or selectable sample rates (48/44.1)

  • I am trying to profile an amp at 48khz. Seems to be working fine so far (still in the alien abduction phase). I'll report back after I test the profiled amp a bit.


    Okay, so I made a 48khz profile, and it sounds massive. It has a bit more high end sizzle to work with as well. I've also determined that pure cab's options work far better with 48khz audio (at least in my opinion) than with 44.1khz. There's just a lot more too it. I still have no clue exactly what it does, but it gets rid of a lot of the problems that I was having with previous amps, so lol who knows. As for sample rates, I would really like if mr. Kemper himself would comment on it being safe or not to leave my kemper in 48khz mode.
    [Blocked Image: http://i.gyazo.com/0f75a53a862b787ceef50c435a459aa3.png]

    Edited 5 times, last by Fretless (December 6, 2014 at 2:37 AM).

  • I am trying to profile an amp at 48khz. Seems to be working fine so far (still in the alien abduction phase). I'll report back after I test the profiled amp a bit.


    Okay, so I made a 48khz profile, and it sounds massive. It has a bit more high end sizzle to work with as well. I've also determined that pure cab's options work far better with 48khz audio (at least in my opinion) than with 44.1khz. There's just a lot more too it. I still have no clue exactly what it does, but it gets rid of a lot of the problems that I was having with previous amps, so lol who knows. As for sample rates, I would really like if mr. Kemper himself would comment on it being safe or not to leave my kemper in 48khz mode.
    [Blocked Image: http://i.gyazo.com/0f75a53a862b787ceef50c435a459aa3.png]

    There is a problem - you cannot share 48kHz profiles with others (44kHz) KPA users.

  • ">

    well - you have to dig into the DSP theory , Nyquist frequency and IIR and FIR filters in discrete domain to know what will be the effects of this kind of experiment.
    The users with 44kHz KPA may have some aliasing effects on 48kHz profiles.

    Just made this in 44.1khz to see if there was any noticable aliasing, which I didn't find any.

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    This is my Microterror profile, signal chain in the profile is my custom Airis Effects proto rack (3 selectable OD/comp > EQ blend machine that my friend designed for me) into the microterror into a mesa 4x12 with v30's. I love it. No post processing, just the raw recorded tone.

  • I belive this is a too expensive gear for this purposes.
    Texas Instruments is offering SCR IC for only 6-10$ / IC :

    With some on-board logic the cost will be no more then 20$ for mass product Only for 4 channel SRC .
    I Think The Kemper Team could add this like an upgerade hardware module.

    Thing is, setting up a factory line for new products costs a bit more than $20. For one, first batch of devices would need to be in the realm of 50 000 - 100 000 units to be even considered for mass production and I'm not seeing a market that big for this.

    Other option would be to make small batches by hand, and then they'd cost more than your average boutique fx pedal. And they'd still need to set up a new production line.

    Either way Kemper would be out of pocket millions before a single one of those boxes would leave the factory floor. What then if they only sell two of them?

  • Just attempted to record using SPDIF rather than the XLR's while studio running @ 48Khz. Long story Short.... +1
    Seemed like a great notion to not go from Digital to Analog then back to Digital again. Don't think I'm going to bring everything down to 44Khz though... PRETTY PLEASE :saint:

    OOPs .. Didn't read the whole thread . Hardware related :wacko: OH Well....

    Edited once, last by grateful (May 14, 2017 at 3:20 AM).