i'm selling the KPA ;-(

  • Hello everyone
    i'm selling the kemper ;(
    I write here because I'd like the kemper goes to a user into this community. the kpa is located in Italy
    So i don't know if this is the best place to write this kind of announce.
    For any question, send me a PM.
    thank you

  • i usually play the kemper with a eventide eclipse in the loop. This is the main use and i'm really happy of that, but now i got to travel a lot, most with airplanes.
    So i can't bring with me the kemper, the eventide, the apogee ensemble and my macbook pro. And the guitar of course. And this bothers me.
    Well i made a decision... to find something that can roughly be, a preamp , a good effect processor and a sound card.
    So i choose for the Axe-fx 2. I know i lose a little bit of sound quality of my previous system, but for now it's the better solution

  • Very stupid question: getting a Flight Case for the Kemper would have not solved the problem?

    It's not a stupid question but think this:
    1) A case for the kemper, one for the apogee ensemble with the eventide eclipse, one bag for the macbook and the case for the guitar. Not so much easy to flight with all those cases.
    2) A case with the Kemper, apogee and eventide all together. A case for the macbook and the guitar. My arm is not so strong.

    Is not better only one 2U rack and macbook together ( gator gsr 2u) in the shoulder and the guitar in the other hand?

  • i don't understand the flying thing. One of the main reasons I bought the Kemper is because I could fly when going to gigs with the kemper with me. I bought the kemper bag and since it fits the cabin admission dimensions, I can carry it with me in the cabin. couldn't be happier!

    I have already did it and guess what? I did a sort of mini documentary on how easy it was to travel with it. I flew with an italian company, Airone, and they let me have the kemper and the guitar in the cabin. I know some other companies like ryan air allow just one piece aboard. will see that because I have to fly at the end of march for two gigs.

    since the documentary was asked by the Kemper distributor, I will ask for permission to post it here.............

    consider this also: I traveled with the kemper not for pleasure but to do a leg of my tour around italy, and had to bring all what I needed to perform my show: I am a one man band. So I had to have th following in my suitcase:
    - laptop
    - wah pedal (a morley bad horsie since the wah expression pedal hads to stay at home)
    - some guitar cables

    that was it and the gigs were a total success regarding the sounds..............

    sorry to hear that you are selling the kemper but I hope the flying thing is not the main reason

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Interesting approach though. He prefers to do high-end recording of less than optimal guitar sound.
    I would certainly go the other way and do a slightly less professional recording with a great guitar sound.
    This big hole in the back of the toaster is perfect for a small recorder like the Zoom H4n.

    I wonder how much weight these things would have in comparison:
    MacBook Pro + Apogee Ensemble
    MacBook Pro + Axe FX II
    Kemper Profiling Amp + Zoom H4n