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Can some please provide the explicit MIDI instructions for my MIDI switcher that will emulate the exact behaviour of the Kemper Remote?
I know it sounds like a simple question, but I'm struggling to execute the switching correctly when I change from one preset to another using my MIDI Switcher (Morningstar MC6Pro)
What I want is to select a bank on my MIDI switcher with say for instance three presets, On enter a preset (button push) it selects the unmorphed preset, if I hit the same button again it will morph, and again it will revert back to unmorphed.
Furthermore, I want to be able to select any preset initially in the unmorphed state.
For example: on enter bank PC104 CC80,0 - unmorphed, then press again (toggle) CC80,1 morphed correct? it doen't work, so perhaps I'm misinterpreting the CC80 instruction?
Surely someone else has tried to achieve this?