Emulate Kemper Remote Morph switching with another MIDI Switcher

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    Can some please provide the explicit MIDI instructions for my MIDI switcher that will emulate the exact behaviour of the Kemper Remote?

    I know it sounds like a simple question, but I'm struggling to execute the switching correctly when I change from one preset to another using my MIDI Switcher (Morningstar MC6Pro)

    What I want is to select a bank on my MIDI switcher with say for instance three presets, On enter a preset (button push) it selects the unmorphed preset, if I hit the same button again it will morph, and again it will revert back to unmorphed.

    Furthermore, I want to be able to select any preset initially in the unmorphed state.

    For example: on enter bank PC104 CC80,0 - unmorphed, then press again (toggle) CC80,1 morphed correct? it doen't work, so perhaps I'm misinterpreting the CC80 instruction?

    Surely someone else has tried to achieve this?

  • Update: So I have it working for one preset in a bank only.

    On Enter bank, load Kemper preset via PC... for example "on Enter bank" load PC 104 ( being Performance 20 Slot5). The desired slot is loaded.

    Then in the MIDI controller bank, using the performance CC slot #, I press again position 1 of the Toggle enabled preset on my controller moves to morph state. I press again engaging position 2 of the toggled state and it reverts to the unmorphed slot.

    What I am working on now is adding additional presets in the bank that behave exactly the same. Somehow I have to revert any toggled states of the other presets to their original state (unmorphed). Quite involved.

    What I doing with the single morphed preset that works in the controllers bank seems to be adequate at the moment as I only ever really need no more than two sounds per song.

    I wont give up though, I'm sure there is a solution. 😉

    Edited once, last by Sheeny (April 1, 2024 at 9:24 AM).

  • I know it is working the way I am switching my performances.

    I use CC 47 (0-124) to go to the "linked" performance (CC 47 value +1 = 1-125) and then select slot 1-5 with CC 50 -54 value 1 or more...

    When I select the Slot the second time, morphing becomes active, just like the remote does...

    But that way you need to change performance and select the slot with more steps then change the slot with program changes.

  • Just retried it ( I have the remote and my DAW is doing the slot switching...)

    Seems this is not working anymore, sorry...

    Even the Morph switch isn´t working (CC80) only Morph pedal (CC11), maybe a bug? You can open a ticket and ask support if noone hels knows more...

    I know it was working that way, dont know when and why it changed.

    Maybe someone else might help here?

    Edited 2 times, last by aehaem (April 1, 2024 at 8:34 PM).

  • Thanks for your input aehaem, appreciated. The key to it working with more than one preset in a single bank I think will rely on somehow reverting to the original 'on enter bank' state each time a new preset in that bank is selected.

    I'm not sure how its done with the Remote or the Stage. It may be a higher level configuration that what is available to us, or just the correct (magical) set of MIDI instructions!

    • Official Post

    MIDI CC# 50-54 do the trick.

    From the Main Manual MIDI chapter:

    If Rig Button Morph is activated in System Settings, and the PROFILER receives subsequent control changes #50-#54 following the initial Slot load, these will trigger Morphing. So, the same button could be used to first load a Rig, and then act as a Morph Button for that Rig. To support all functions, values 1-127 should be sent when the button is hit, and value 0 should follow when the button is released. The setting of the “Momentary” option in Rig Settings determines whether the Morphing latches the morph sound and base sound, or if it immediately returns to the base sound as soon you release the button.

  • Thanks Burkhard, I had initially tried that, however the first button press seems to decault to the Morphed state. I'll retry again and let you know.

    Further to this I have toggle state displays (pos 1 , unmorphed and pos 2, morphed), however when I switch between presets, the toggle state gets out of sync, so I have more work to do there as well. Appreciate yout input!