Toaster wireless midi question

  • Hello,

    I just received a wireless midi adapter from aliexpress (m-vave) and tring to figure out how it works. Its manual is terrible, it should be a plug and play thing but unfortunately I couldn't find anyhing working because I was tring to use my FCB1010 with my toaster. Basicly what I did U plug the midi in and out to FCB and usb dongle type to toaster usb slot, On the wireless devices they indicates that they paired but unfortunately my kemper didn't recoginise FCB, I tried with couple other devices but there was no luck, I was about to give up and ask for a return but I decided to give it a shot with my KPP and it worked.

    So my question is: can toaster receive midi signals fromits ubs port? if it can is there a setting about it? if not maybe I should write it to feature request since KPP has this ability :)


  • The issue might be that currently only the Player model offers MIDI host and client capabilities while the other models only support client capabilties. So you are limited to the USB B socket and the connected gear needs to acts as USB host.

    Thank you for your answer but I don't understand so if I connect the usb midi receiver to USB B socket of toaster via adapter will it work?

  • Verminante
    February 24, 2022 at 12:24 PM

    Just installed mine, works fine.