Where are the missing/hidden parameters in the player?

  • So we know there are certain compromises and omissions from the Player, making it the (great little) compact unit that it is.

    With the full-blown units (stage/rack/etc) there are parameters such as "compression" in the amp section. (others too but i dont recall from memory)

    What happens to these when imported to the Player?

    Are they there but inaccessible (they dont appear in rig manager) or can they be accessed via NRPN midi parameters?

    Or, if they are discarded as part of the import, is their value still applied but fixed at the value it would have been saved on the rack/stage units?

    Curious to know as if i want more "amp compression" could i set it on my rack then export/import the updated rig back to the player or is it bypassed or lost?

  • Nothing will be lost re: all the amp controls settings remain in the player. You just can't edit them in the player. So if you adjust the additional settings in the rack and save the profile, those new changes will stay on the profile and play the same in the player. Hoping that the kemper team unlocks the editability on the player in the future.

  • Thanks for info dfdfan and Steve5478

    This led me to do some further investigation and i discovered that you can actually access those hidden parameters via NRPN midi data,

    Example of accessing the amp compressor (not available using rig manager)

    Amp compressor:

    NRPN 1290, range= 0-16383 (NRPN MSB:10 LSB:10)

    and away you go!

    Definitely one for the midi-nerds.

    Now, who can provide a list of all the parameters that are hidden?