"Backup" Poweramp for Kemper - Camplifier? Or something in the rack?

  • Hi all,

    I have an unpowered Kemper and during practice I go straight into the PA since we use InEars. I do have a Poweramp (ENGL 920 I believe, 2x35 Watt) which goes into a 4x12 Cab. Usually during Gigs I would also ask to go directly into the PA. However, there are venues that wish to stick to micing up the cab rather than having the direct-out from the Kemper. For this reason I still have the Engl in my rack. My back would appreciate it a lot though, if I had a poweramp that weighs less and does not have tubes.

    I have considered to go the Camplifier route and have a power section built in. For EUR 179,- I can get the 25 Watt version which honestly is not far off the 35 Watt that currently power my 4x12. I'm just wondering if it's enough. The stage version would easy my worries, as it should have more than enough power, but it costs EUR 430,- at which point I feel I could get a used solid-state. But which one? I used to be better informed in this topic and still have some names like Matrix in my head.

    Any suggestions or opinions?

  • Not to be picky, but I'd love to have something like a rackmount. If this is the best option for me, I'd go for it, but for the moment I'd love to hear some other suggestions or accounts of people that own the camplifier build-in.

  • What is the ohm rating of your cab?

    I have a Camplifier 290. It's an older version with 90w stereo, or 180w mono.

    I am not convinced that 25w would be enough on a SS amp, but I have no experience with that.

    I use the Camplifier at home, and it can get very loud into my Kabinet. I use a Seymour Duncan SD700 at practice. I can hook up my 16ohm 2x12 later (after work) to test again if that matters.

  • Not to be picky, but I'd love to have something like a rackmount. If this is the best option for me, I'd go for it, but for the moment I'd love to hear some other suggestions or accounts of people that own the camplifier build-in.

    I'd be shocked if you could find a rackmount-anything within your price range. Ritter Amps (Camplifier) will set you back a fair chunk of change.

    If you're so inclined, buy an IcePower amp module and build one yourself. This is what I did. IcePower is the same manufacturer Seymour Duncan's Powerstage amps use, as well as the amp in the Powerhead/Rack and Powered Kab.

  • Thanks for the comment

    I'd be shocked if you could find a rackmount-anything within your price range. Ritter Amps (Camplifier) will set you back a fair chunk of change.

    I was thinking Palmer Mach or a used Matrix GT 800 maybe? something along those lines.

    If you're so inclined, buy an IcePower amp module and build one yourself. This is what I did. IcePower is the same manufacturer Seymour Duncan's Powerstage amps use, as well as the amp in the Powerhead/Rack and Powered Kab.

    Not sure I'm handy enough to do this. I can barely change a light bulb I'm not sure I'm qualified enough to do this. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    What is the ohm rating of your cab?

    I have a Camplifier 290. It's an older version with 90w stereo, or 180w mono.

    I am not convinced that 25w would be enough on a SS amp, but I have no experience with that.

    I believe it's 8 Ohm. I've recently changed the speakers and I don't quite remember, but I believe it's 8.

    As mentioned, this is purely a backup scenario as my main output would go direct into the PA. I don't need fancy, I just need working.

  • I was thinking Palmer Mach or a used Matrix GT 800 maybe? something along those lines.

    That'd work....but ~$450 or so for the Palmer or Matrix (used)? Plus adding another 8 pounds to your gear seems like massive overkill for a backup you hope you never use.

    Backups are supposed to be short-term solutions. To me - a Palmer or Matrix isn't a backup. It's a primary solution and a terribly expensive insurance policy.

  • Understood. Thanks. I think pricing in Europe is different. I can get a Palmer Macht 402 for EUR 300 (used around EUR 200), whereas a Camplifier would set me back EUR 425. But it's true, the Harley Benton solution might be the cheapest for me yet. Don't they also do rackmounts?

  • Understood. Thanks. I think pricing in Europe is different. I can get a Palmer Macht 402 for EUR 300 (used around EUR 200), whereas a Camplifier would set me back EUR 425. But it's true, the Harley Benton solution might be the cheapest for me yet. Don't they also do rackmounts?

    I suppose, but tossing one in a drawer or on a shelf would be way simpler. Don't get me wrong - by all means, do what makes sense to you. Sacrificing a rack space and spending more than twice the cost of the HB (on a used unit that *has* to work when called upon.........would make me wonder). I'd almost think about getting two of the HBs as a backup for the backup and still be money ahead.

    My opinion is worth what you paid for it. :) Feel free to ignore my advice....I actually do that more often than I should. ;)

  • However, there are venues that wish to stick to micing up the cab rather than having the direct-out from the Kemper. For this reason I still have the Engl in my rack.

    Your main problem is here ! :rolleyes:

    I don't understand there's any discussion about that in 2024, ....

    Can't those kind of sound guys do a training to know new devices that appeared from 2000 ? 8o X/

    they should find out about what used Knopfler for his tour... ?( :rolleyes:

    We have an expression (don't know if it exists in other langages) : "Why make it simple when you can make it complicated ?"

    Everything is easier directly from Profiler XLR output... You keep the versatility of your cabs' simulations...etc...

    No amp on stage is a no brainer for a lot of sound engineers.... You get rid of sound loop problems that are picked up by singers microphones, etc....

  • I suppose, but tossing one in a drawer or on a shelf would be way simpler. Don't get me wrong - by all means, do what makes sense to you. Sacrificing a rack space and spending more than twice the cost of the HB (on a used unit that *has* to work when called upon.........would make me wonder). I'd almost think about getting two of the HBs as a backup for the backup and still be money ahead.

    My opinion is worth what you paid for it. :) Feel free to ignore my advice....I actually do that more often than I should. ;)

    Despite your valued suggestion I have found someone who wanted to trade my ENGL for his Palmer Macht. So I'm set I think. But I appreciate all your insights.

    Your main problem is here ! :rolleyes:

    I don't understand there's any discussion about that in 2024, ....

    Can't those kind of sound guys do a training to know new devices that appeared from 2000 ? 8o X/

    Truer words have never been spoken.