Browse doesn't work

  • Hi there. I bought the Kemper powered head last fall. I have many great rigs and performances that I've made and to say they sound impressive would be an understatement. This past Saturday, however, I encountered a problem. I am no longer able to get the browse function to work properly. When I'm in performance mode and want to make a new rig, I try to select an amp profile. No matter what amp I open up, it has a clean sound. For example, I could go from a 5150 amp to a Fender Twin and they both sound the same. Like a guitar running direct into a sound board. there is no change in the profile. When I switch to the Browse mode of the amp it does the same thing. In both Browse and Performance modes, I am not able to search and browse amp profiles. How can this be fixed? Thank you, Chris

  • After many emails back and forth, tech support was able to solve the issue. If anyone is having a similar problem, apparently running an expression pedal as a volume has its quirks. At the recommendation of tech support I was told to remove the volume pedal and then plug it back in. I have no idea why doing this would restore the Browse function but it did. Thank God!

    And, thank you to Jay at tech support and all his troubleshooting. :)

  • That wasn't an issue of the browse function at all. Your video clearly demonstrated that browsing did effectively work. You loaded different Rigs, the display reflected those other loaded Rigs and the sound did change.

    However, there was an obvious gap between the level of gain indicated by the LED collar and what could be heard. All sounds were low gain. That is what you might have interpreted as a browsing issue.

    The low gain was caused by your expression pedal and cable. By default Volume Pedal Location is set to Input and Volume Pedal Range to -5. So if you lower an expression pedal configured as Volume Pedal, it reduces the level entering the amp stage and therefor reduces gain.

    Either your TRS cable or expression pedal have a loose contact or were not rightly connected. This was interpreted by the PROFILER as a lowered Volume Pedal. You fixed that by reconnecting the pedal.

    There is no issue related to the browse function.