Kemper Profiler Player Pitch Control

  • Christoph Kemper has publicly mentioned, that there might be fee-based upgrades for the Player in the future - besides an evolution of free updates as you are used to from other PROFILER models.

    I'm really curious to see how it will be implemented, because the 'audio hardware' is one of the few line of products still not touched by the micro-transaction or subscription models. Anyway, brace yourself for the usual shitstorm.

  • I'm really curious to see how it will be implemented, because the 'audio hardware' is one of the few line of products still not touched by the micro-transaction or subscription models. Anyway, brace yourself for the usual shitstorm.

    I think (and hope) that it won't be a subscription model....

    IMO, it will be more a multiple possibilities fee upgrade following what you want to unlock (morph, FXs, FXs number slot, Profiling....). But paid once to justify & reduce the possibilities/price gap with head/rack/stage .

    I don't totally agree with this but can understand it.

    It could/would be cool if the price tag would be lower for big units owners like L6 does with Helix Native following the unit you have.... :* :thumbup: :saint: <3

  • I think (and hope) that it won't be a subscription model....

    IMO, it will be more a multiple possibilities fee upgrade following what you want to unlock (morph, FXs, FXs number slot, Profiling....). But paid once to justify & reduce the possibilities/price gap with head/rack/stage .

    I don't totally agree with this but can understand it.

    It could/would be cool if the price tag would be lower for big units owners like L6 does with Helix Native following the unit you have.... :* :thumbup: :saint: <3

    Sure, don't get me wrong: i can understand it as well; it's how things works and makes way more sense than buying an unit and expecting free upgrades for the coming ten years.

  • Player will know free updates but will have the possibility to be upgraded to reach big units features...

    Kemper wants to divide clearly units famillies, it doesn't mean they want to come into another business model....

    I assume it would be suicide to purpose to pay for updates or it would be a way to come back to fixed evolution products.... IMO, customers are not ready for this and would go elsewhere....

    I bought my Stage much more expensive than ever , i don't consider being cheating, that important price is filled by the free evolutions (and they are not few).

    My Stage is only five years and i have to wait to totally say it was a good bet but, with all the ecological problems, i'm proud to buy a hardware that i don't have to change every X years and can make my rig evolves easily....

  • Roland tried a subscription model (Roland Cloud) and I think that isn't going too well for them. Eventide tried a model with paid upgrades that software-wise upped their H9 to H9max or added single additional effects. That was meanwhile discarded, from which I would infer that it also failed commercially.

    Was the world not ready for such things, but now is, or how should Kemper find a solution? My guess is that no single company will succeed alone in establishing a commercial model for this. But if you look in the DAW-space, VST-plug-ins were a success as far as I can judge. Steinberg opening their software platform to others.

    Imagine a world where you would buy a QC from Neural and then buy some software-plugins from TC helicon for your vocal effects to run on the QC. i would love that.

    Question is, if it is feasible to implement an open software-platform of sorts that runs on such diverse hardware as Kemper, Fractal, Helix, QC....

    Kemper Player, EV ELX112P, Suhr S.Henderson Strat, Fender Ultra Tele, PRS S2 Custom24, Variax JTV-69

    Edited once, last by keuneke (April 2, 2024 at 8:34 AM).

  • Roland tried a subscription model (Roland Cloud) and I think that isn't going too well for them. Eventide tried a model with paid upgrades that software-wise upped their H9 to H9max or added single additional effects. That was meanwhile discarded, from which I would infer that it also failed commercially.

    Was the world not ready for such things, but now is, or how should Kemper find a solution? My guess is that no single company will succeed alone in establishing a commercial model for this. But if you look in the DAW-space, VST-plug-ins were a success as far as I can judge. Steinberg opening their software platform to others.

    Imagine a world where you would buy a QC from Neural and then buy some software-plugins from TC helicon for your vocal effects to run on the QC. i would love that.

    Question is, if it is feasible to implement an open software-platform of sorts that runs on such diverse hardware as Kemper, Fractal, Helix, QC....

    I'm not following you around this forum - but Eventide didn't abandon the algorithm store because it was a commercial failure. That's just not true.