How to use midi with Profiler Player?

  • yeah, the manual says to plug the midi controller in to the USB A socket... that's pretty much it. What about in DAW? wth do you do? I can get everything to light up inside Ableton and that's about as far as things go with it.

    I want to be able to change effects and rigs using midi... set up live set in ableton, etc... videos seem to always skip the most crucial parts of doing this.

  • The Player's Main Manual includes much more information. It's chapter "MIDI" covers all MIDI comands the Player understands.

    How to set up specific DAWs like Ableton should be covered in their documentation.

    USB Ports (19)


    For KEMPER Rig Manager™, USB audio and USB MIDI connect the USB type B port of the PROFILER Player to either a USB type A port or a USB type C port on the PC.


  • I would like to control my Kemper Player via Logic Pro, using the USB/MIDI cable. Is it possible?

    I have a Kemper Stage and in it I was able to program the show of my whole band to change the presets via MIDI, but in the Player nothing happens.

    Logic Pro recognizes Input Midi as Profile, but I send the Program Changes and nothing happens.

    Will it be necessary to wait for an update to activate Midi via USB?

  • I would like to control my Kemper Player via Logic Pro, using the USB/MIDI cable. Is it possible?

    I have a Kemper Stage and in it I was able to program the show of my whole band to change the presets via MIDI, but in the Player nothing happens.

    Logic Pro recognizes Input Midi as Profile, but I send the Program Changes and nothing happens.

    Will it be necessary to wait for an update to activate Midi via USB?

    If you intend to send MIDI comands from Logic to the Player, don''t you need to set the Player as MIDI output device in Logic then???