Kemper Player: Bluetooth page-turner support

  • I’ve got an AirTurn Bt500S which I’ve programmed to act as a page turner and sustain pedal for a small portable midi controller.

    It’s very easy to program the AirTurn pedals to transmit CC and the like. I may try my CME WIDI UHOST in the KPP USB A port. I imagine this would work.

  • I’ve got an AirTurn Bt500S which I’ve programmed to act as a page turner and sustain pedal for a small portable midi controller.

    It’s very easy to program the AirTurn pedals to transmit CC and the like. I may try my CME WIDI UHOST in the KPP USB A port. I imagine this would work.

    But the amount of bits of gear is mounting, which for me defeats the object.

  • Given its size, I think MIDI over Bluetooth would be a great addition. Assuming that's possible. Despite Bluetooth audio streaming being supported, that doesn't necessarily mean MIDI could be added there. But they did add MIDI over

  • OMG that would make it so easy to connect an iPad and a pedal!

    Please include MIDI routing between connected devices so a pedal can interact with an app like Camelot Pro, BandHelper or forScore and turn pages or activate next song/scene, as well as control effects.

  • I think this is the answer I’ve been looking for (for literally hours yesterday). I need my iPad to send midi to the KPP to change patches I associate with Songs I’ve loaded into a set list in BandHelper. Step on my PageFlip Firefly wireless pedal to change the song (patch) on the KPP. This should free up the Lightning jack to send the audio I’ve programmed BandHelper to play when the page (Song) turns (pedal is activated), to my in-ear transmitter. Sound logical?

  • Hm, I have a different setup with my Airstep.
    There are two bluetooth connections from my iPad. One to the Airstep to send Midi Commands over it to KPP. And another to KPP to play audio over Blutooth. (So the iPad is wireless.)
    The Widi Bud Stick is in the USB-A Slot of the KPP. Over this connection between Airstep and KPP is estabilshed.

    In my opinion it should be possible with a lightining cable between KPP and iPad. Over this there might be audio playback and Midi Commands possible.
    And you can use your PageFip Firefly to navigate to the song sheets and over BandHelper sending correspodending Midi Commands...

    I did a test. Unfortunately my both iPads says that no charging is possible.
    And also sending Midi Commands over the cable are not recognized by KPP.

    Perhaps I need an additional Midi Software on iPad?

    I do not know...

    I found another Forum entry about charging an iPad. The USB-A port delivers 500mA. Enough for using an iPad, but not charging at the same time. While display switched off, iPad will be charged.

    But no recomendation yet, how to send Midi commands over Lightning cable.

    Kemper Profiler Player with Power Cabinet

    Edited 2 times, last by gstrotmann (February 6, 2024 at 8:34 PM).

  • I've changed my situation slightly. All I care to do now is to associate one of my five KPP Rigs to each of the Songs in my Bandhelper Repertoire so that when the Song changes, the Rig changes, too. I've never used or programmed MIDI before, but I think I can figure out the Bandhelper side of it, I just don't know what value to enter for each KPP Rig. Do I assign a MIDI value on the KPP side of things, or is that already established by default?

    Edited once, last by danstelluto: Update: A Kemper Support team member (Burkhard) was able to help me. He stated "I'm using BandHelper myself for that purpose. To load sounds in your PROFILER Player, you enter zeros at MSB and LSB and the program change number of the Bank and Slot you intent to load. so: 0, 0, 1 loads Bank 1 and Slot 1. 0, 0, 8 loads Bank 2 Slot 3. 0, 0, 50 loads Bank 10 Slot 5." That didn't work for me because I recall adjusting a setting to 1-128 rather than 0-127 (or something to that effect). Anyway, he suggested I use 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 2 etc. - And it worked!! I'm a happy "kamper" now (August 24, 2024 at 2:12 PM).