NPD. No, YOU have too many chorus pedals that aren't technically a chorus....

  • So. My Christmas present finally came.

    A Boss DC-3.

    I've got the DC-2 Waza which is superb if you use it in stereo. It even emulates the original rack SDD-320 unit.

    This one is a variant / follow up to the DC-2 pedal but with knobs instead of presets. I think its a fully digital pedal (the DC-2 and DC-2 Waza are analogue). Looks to be in very good condition for a 30+ year old pedal. And Boss pedals are virtually indestructible.

    Yippee !

  • Apparently I also have a weakness for valve amps.

    I used to have one of these as a combo a while ago, which was ok. But WAY too loud for kitchen use.

    But. It worked exceptionally well using the attenuated headphone output converted to a line out (clip the headphone low pass filter) and paired with an IR. In fact, my Marshall Lead 12 amps (poorman's JCM800), and Marshall DRP-1 (poorman's JCM 900) did too.

    This one has spent 2 years sitting in my local guitar shop where its price has been slowly reducing while the dust has accumulated. Its a great amp for practicing your dynamics.

    Today, I brought it home.

  • The DC-3 is now my fave chorus pedal. Even better, stacking it with the DC-2 (with 2x buttons pressed) is epic.

    In related news. I've bought another amp and pedal.

    A Boss Katana 100mk II

    and a cheapo rip off drive pedal.......

    The Katana is very good. It was a used bargain, and it'll be a kitchen/garden amp thanks to its teeny speaker.

  • ^^The Name is also epic...Had the original one, not bad but was way too noisy with my amp.

    In my defense, I was left unsupervised...........

    ..... I went to the site to buy a copy of the BE-ODX (which I'll eventually get) and came away with the BluesBreaker/Tubescreamer clone of a clone. I'm curious how it'll compare to my Durple /KoT combo (the Durple is (pretty nice TS) )Tone City pedal derived from a pedal derived from ad pedal derived from a TS.). The build quality appears to be very good for the price point (it was $60 ish)

  • I really like the Katana.

    Its very much a 'here's the preamp sound, pick a speaker and lets GOOOOOOOOOOOO' If you don't like the smooth (definitely non gritty) gain then you're SOL. But I do. The FX are decent. I want to back to back compare them to the GP-10/GR-55 FX as, its all Boss/Roland, but with more time to improve them.

    The 'oh I'm buying that' moment came from it having an acoustic amp setting. Being able to plug an acoustic into a device and get either a good acoustic sound out or just a bit of the acoustic sound through a very wet reverb (to make your room bigger) is a very cool thing that Kemper does (Bert M's profiles are cool !)- but Line 6 steadfastly refuse to add to Helix (where you have to cobble an acoustic amp together yourself from some blocks).

    I'm also of the opinion that we should all try things to get perspective.

    Edited once, last by ajbsmirnoff (January 27, 2024 at 2:59 AM).

  • NPD.

    I got this early last week. Its pretty cool.

    I've got a small collection of guitar synth devices, and I've been curious about the EHX pedals. They're interesting - no appreciable latency, and fairly nice sounds.

    On their own, the mellotron sounds are fairly lo fi (as they were), they work really well with chorus (particularly the DC-3 above), delay, and reverb making them richer. I'm definitely interested in the Synth9 and String9 now.