One button Freeze solution (and keep other delays\reverbs active)?

  • Forgive me if this has been asked/answered elsewhere before. if so, please point me to that thread! (searching didn't uncover a specific answer for me)

    I want to use the Freeze function, but trigger it from one footswitch. If I reassign the tap tempo to Freeze (or a standalone switch in pedal 3 or 4 inputs) it freezes any and all active delay & reverb module tails - leaving just the unaffected input to improvise with (not to mention that the light ceases working so you don't have a visual cue that it's engaged). If I set up a dedicated reverb like the Ionosphere just for Freeze, I have to assign a stomp switch to that reverb & then another to trigger it's Freeze function - which requires a quick tap dance to engage/disengage the Freeze.

    What I'd like to do is assign a single footswitch (preferably the tap tempo, or another aftermarket switch in pedal 3 or 4 on the remote, but could live with it taking up a stomp slot) that triggers the dedicated Freeze reverb & instantly freezes the tails leaving the other active delays/reverbs working as normal.

    Is this possible? Is there a setup I'm not thinking of?

  • From the Manual:

    Action & Freeze

    Besides toggling the status of effect modules, each of the Effect Buttons can also be used to trigger so-called

    "Action & Freeze” functions like Rotary Speaker (slow/fast), Delay Feedback Infinity, or the Freeze function of most delay and reverb effects. To assign, simply navigate to the respective function within the effect e.g. “Rotary Speed Slow/Fast” within the Rotary Speaker effect. Now press the respective soft button above the display of the PROFILER together with and one of the Remote’s Effect Buttons. Done! Don’t forget to store the Rig to make your

    assignment permanent.

  • thx for the copy/paste from the manual which i had read several times before. however, none of that answers the specific question - how to assign a reverb & freeze to a single switch without it affecting _all_ other active reverbs & delays.

  • thx for the copy/paste from the manual which i had read several times before. however, none of that answers the specific question - how to assign a reverb & freeze to a single switch without it affecting _all_ other active reverbs & delays.

    Wasn’t trying to be snarky. It’s a very specific question. With the manual as comprehensive as it is, unless someone indicates they’ve looked there, it’s impossible to know.

  • have you successfully done this? on my end, this doesn't work. for example...

    - Settings>Remote Settings (screen 12)>Button Assignment > set the Tap Button to REV On\Off (which is Ionosphere in the reverb module)
    - in Ionsophere settings, enable the Freeze function
    - save the Performance

    now, when i hit the Tap switch the Reverb module is toggled on but no reverb, no frozen tails. i've tried setting this on the stomp slots as well & same thing.

    Edited once, last by KobraKelly (January 7, 2024 at 4:34 PM).

  • I am able to have the reverb on, freeze the reverb (and only the reverb) with a stomp switch configured like this:

    Clear the stomp switch on Rig-> page 6.

    Assign the freeze function to the stomp switch first.

    Assign reverb on/off second.

    In normal operation, the LEDs look like this:

    Configured in this manner, the reverb is on. Stepping and holding will freeze until release (momentary).

    A single press and release will freeze the reverb until a second press. The second press returns the reverb to normal.

    Works well.

    You can’t do this with the tap button. It has no secondary functionality atm. I believe that’s been discussed, but not implemented.


  • when you can toggle the reverb on/off but you hear no reverb you should check your output source settings. Make sure that Master Stereo is selected.

  • @Ruefus - thx a bunch! as you said this works well! the only drawback is after disabling the freeze - you have to wait without playing anything else for the reverb tails to die off before switching it back to freeze (ie: disabling the ionosphere reverb otherwise you get more frozen tails). my wishlist item would be for the ionosphere to cut off entirely after disabling the freeze - to me it's not a very useful reverb for what i do (other than freezing it).

    BUT - this is the best solution I've seen so far! Thx for your help & clear instructions!

  • Quick addendum to this - i had previously set my Tap switch to REV on/off which toggles the MODULE (not the EFFECT - correct me if I'm wrong here - i'm not 100% sure of this, they could be one & the same). since the TAP sits directly under stomp #4 i can switch from frozen mode back to reverb on the stomp and quickly hit Tap to disable the reverb module which kills the tails immediately.

    still tap dancey but one step closer (or literally one more step away) from what i've been searching for. if someone can tell me how to toggle the reverb module (instead of effect on/off) via the stomp switch i think it'd be the perfect solution.

    <EDIT> duh - that won't work. if i kill the module, i'll kill the freeze too. and besides, setting the on/off on the tap is the same as having it on 2 stomps which defeats the whole reason for going down this rabbit hole. 🐰

    Edited 2 times, last by KobraKelly (January 7, 2024 at 7:09 PM).

  • Generally, the Effect Buttons I-IIII can be assigned by Rig. These allow to trigger Action and Freeze functions (Freeze, Infinity, Rotary Speaker Speed) module specific. So this means, Effect Button IIII could be assigned to Freeze in the REV module specifically and not affect a possible Freeze in another module. You assign it by holding the soft button Freeze in the effect menu and one of the Effect Buttons simultaneously.

    The functional assignment of the TAP button or external buttons is global and not by Rig. And if you assign Freeze it is also global. So all Freezes across the Rig will respond.

    This in the manual:

    ¨   Freeze

    "Freeze” is an Action & Freeze function, which turns the reverb into an endless pad by instantly increasing the room size to infinity. The input of the reverb is cut, so no further signal is added to the reverb, allowing you to play along to the pad.

    The “Freeze” function can be assigned to one of the Effects Buttons of the PROFILER Remote or Stage. Step and hold the desired Effects Button (I to IIII) while you press the "Freeze” soft button.

    If you leave Freeze on all the time you never fill that loop, since the input of the reverb is constantly cut.