Effect Button assignments get deleted

  • Hello everyone, I use the Stage in performance mode with several performances and some modules locked. When I start assigning effects to the effect buttons I-IIII in performance 1 (then saving), 2 (then saving), 3 (then saving) and so on the effect button assignments (but not all, mostly effect button I) get somehow deleted when returning to performance 1 (and so on). Is this a bug? Or am I missing something? Has it something to do with assigning locked modules to an effect button?

    Concrete: I want effect button I to control two modules which are both locked. Effect buttons II-IIII controlling different non-locked modules.

    Thanks Max

    Edited 2 times, last by b418me (December 19, 2023 at 11:40 AM).

  • I've tried it myself. Everything works fine. The only thing I recognize is, that the locked FX Slots stays at the state, that I leave them by switching to another preset within a performance.

    Are you editing with Rig Manager or on the Stage itself?

    Kemper Stage User

  • If you switch Slots in Performance Mode via foot buttons after assigning Effect Buttons and before storing the Performance with these new assignments it is possible that the assignments get withdrawn. This depends on the scenario: foot button intervention and no Rig Manager connected.

    So either store the Performance each time before changing Slots within Performance. Or strictly stick to navigating Slots within Performance via front panel controls.