Problems after update Profiler to OS

  • Hi

    after updating both rig manager and profiler to the latest version there is a communication problem between them. If a double click a performance on rig manager a box says "set profiler into performance mode" but it is already. also i can´t edit anything. Need Help ! tried already update via usb stick anch latest chaos.bin but doeasn´t help :(

  • This sounds like some of your Performances included corrupted data and these were replaced during the data checkup following each update.

    In that case the OS replaces the corrupted data with the default Rig "Crunch".

    The root cause might be in the past and in any older OS or Rig Manager versions.

    There still seems to be a synchronization issue between both. Have you tried to restart PROFILER and Rig Manager?

    If that doesn't help try this: Press and hold the RIG button while powering the PROFILER on. Keep holding until message appears "Initializing....". This will rebuld some internal data structures. If that shouldn't clear the situation, please iopen a support ticket.

    Referring to software versions we prefer numbers. Our latest OS public beta is 10.2.1 since a couple of days. Is that your "latest" version?

    We have currently Rig Manager 3.4.51 public beta and 3.4.45 release.

  • Thank you for the feedback and possible explanation. Unfortunately, your suggestions will not help at this point because I reverted back the OS, reinstalled RM and restored an older backup. It is now 'working' at some level.

    I listed the versions that caused the issue in the thread I started under the issues section.

    I made a mistake by not doing a backup just before updating the OS. This is my fault. I hope that Kemper will seriously consider my recommendation of automatically performing a backup each time the user updates the OS. It is not sufficient to include a sentence here and there that data might be lost. Kemper could solve the issue the issue of lost or corrupted data during an OS update very easily. Kemper can also make the argument that users are notified about possible data loss. It is a valid argument and short-sighted all at the same time.

    In the future, I'll be very careful when deciding to install updates as my experience indicates that the process fails with significant statistical probability.

  • If the data was corrupted, a backup doesn't really help since it includes the corrupted data then.

    my contribution to this,

    I always start the KPA with the Rig button pressed to initiate a content check before saving my KPA.

    This should be a process step that is performed automatically by the backup process. In my opinion, there is no point in saving corrupted data in the backup file.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • The recognition of defective data has evolved. In any case if the data is damaged beyond the possibility of repair it's unfortunately lost.

    Having this said, such issues are very rare and root causes have been fixed in current software to our best knowledge. That the current OS detects such an issue doesn't mean it has caused it. It might have happened long time ago with older software versions.

  • So, a backup does no good if the data is corrupted. This makes perfect sense.

    But the backup process does nothing to verify that the data is valid or corrupt? This seems to be an omission that should be addressed even if it is a rare occurence. Shouldn't the user be notified that the backup that is about to be performed will do not good since the data is corrupt?

    I think a check for data corruption should be implemented as much as it can be. This information should be reported to the user in some fashion and a forced backup should be implemented before an OS update is allowed to proceed.

  • I will not try beta versions any more cause i had pretty bad experiences regarding that. Maybe i try to phone Kemper support here in Germany.

    Burkhard yes, it always starts a new performance with "crunch" almost since beginning (2 years maybe).

    When i connect with Rig Manager i cannot shut down my Profiler as usual. If i don´t connect --> no problem

    Must be a communication mismatch or something in that way....