Solution to small size of Stage LCD screen?

  • Playing live, I like to keep things really simple, just clear visual feedback on patch selected, which FX are on/off.

    The Stage LCD screen gives me exactly what I need in performance mode.

    Only problem is, as we all know the LCD screen is too small, and being an old bugger and not having the eyes of an eagle anymore I have to get down on my hands and knees to read it.

    Using the Rig Manager as a visual monitor on my iPhone, or even my 12.9” iPad doesn’t help much, as it’s more of a (great) editor than a live gigging display.

    Other option is to get technical and use midi to display rig status in an external app. Don’t want to go there.

    So, back to the LCD screen which has the info I want but is too small for me to read….

    Has anyone tried setting up a rectangular fixed magnifying glass on the LCD screen? I have started looking at gig-worthy solutions, but thought I would run it by this forum to see if the idea has been already tried and in use - or laughed out of the forum.


    p.s. would be REALLY nice if there was a Rig Manager mode which just displayed the Stage LCD screen on my iPhone or iPad

  • I’ve asked for this multiple times also. a”Performance View” for the IOS rig manager.

    Such a simple thing to add but would be Sooo helpful.

    I have my iPad mini mounted below my music stand to help with on the fly adjustments during rehearsal and it would be so great if it had a performance view that literally just displayed the Rig Name (if in browser mode) or Performance Name & Slots (perf mode) in big letters.

    This would mean i don’t have to look at the floor to see what rig/perf is active and it would be right in my field of view - which is actually super helpful when I’m juggling reading music, swapping instruments, watching a conductor, and turning pages all at the same time.


  • + for the Performance View. I tried physically magnifying the screen but didn’t work too well unless the magnifier was a few inches above the screen, which looked a bit ridiculous.

    I too have an iPad Mini, and if I could place that anywhere to monitor my performance it would be perfect.

    I don’t need to change parameters or even patches, (got a Stage for that!) just view the current status and what FX blocks are currently activated in a nice clear full colour iPad display would be awesome.

  • Hello my fellow ageing guitarist.

    Not quite sure what you mean by gigging view, performance mode?.

    If so just in case you hadn’t realised if you switch to performance mode on the stage it will be reflected on IOS.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Hiya thanks for chipping in old man 😄😄😄

    What I mean is, the Performance Mode screen on the iPad is a fab editor but not the kind of screen you want to glance at just as you tear into a lead break. What I want is simply a reflection of the LCD screen (which is quite hard to read when gigging and surrounded by stage lights etc) plus of course the old diminished eye-sight problems. Simply beaming that LCD information to the iPad would be a great Live Use mode (for me). It could of course be expanded with customisation of layout to further enhance the live experience.

    - Unless of course this already exists and I am missing something basic?

  • Thanks all for your perspectives.

    Well it doesn’t sound like what I want is available, so this old man will reluctantly try the MIDI route;-

    Kemper Stage -> MIDI ports -> Roland WM-1 (Wireless MIDI) -> iPad -> TouchOSC app

    I will see if it’s possible to replicate the LCD screen on an iPad mini.

    Will report back later if I have any success. Don’t hold your breath 😄

  • Thanks all for your perspectives.

    Well it doesn’t sound like what I want is available, so this old man will reluctantly try the MIDI route;-

    Kemper Stage -> MIDI ports -> Roland WM-1 (Wireless MIDI) -> iPad -> TouchOSC app

    I will see if it’s possible to replicate the LCD screen on an iPad mini.

    Will report back later if I have any success. Don’t hold your breath 😄

    Don't sell the idea short.

    Prior to the release of Rig Manager, one of the members here created Basically and editor using MIDI commands:

    Toast ME: the Unofficial Kemper Editor

    I was abandoned when Rig Manager was released. Worked pretty well when I tried it.

  • Use a Fresnel Lense and some wood to create a frame to hold the lens.

    I have the same issue. I can't wear contacts, they make me dizzy, and I don't want to wear glasses on stage. I've done that. I actually took two of the plastic fresnel lenses and cut them out.(from the middle section) and put them back to back (taped them together with a thin strip of tape) a little larger than the screen. then I cut two small pieces of wood(painted them black) about an inch high one side a little lower, like a ramp. Put velcro on the wood, the remote, and both sides of fresnel lense, left and right. I can take it on and off.I keep the lense in a plastic bag as they get scratched easier. it works. Not great but it's better. I only use performance mode and I use each button 1,2,3,4,5 as different songs and I have been begging them to make a "Layout D" so the rig names(songs for me) are in a very large font like in "Layout C" which make the Performance names huge. It would solve the one and only one problem I have with the Kemper.

  • Wow Toast ME looked incredible. A labour of love. It does show that Kemper Midi implementation is only limited by your imagination.

    I have made a start - found a old Yamaha MD-BT01 (wireless Bluetooth adapter) in my toys box, and have connected it to the Stage and sending commands from my iPad wirelessly to the Stage using TouchOSC - program changes/SysEx etc. Works well, but this could be a long learning curve/project and will ultimately be a very simple display/interface (which is what I want).

    If I manage to create anything remotely useful I will check back here and post the files