I can't store profiles

  • Hi everyone :)

    For some reason I can't use the Manager Rig at this moment, "it doesn't work", than I ttried on USB way, I followed a couple of tutorials and I have done everything but I still can't store them.

    To be precise the procedure is perfect and every time I am trying to put them onto the stage it tells me that the profiles are already inside, but when I go to look for them there is no trace.

    Everything is updated, beta version.

    Can anyone help me?

    Thanks 🙂

  • It appears, you intend to import data via USB flash drive. This could be either Rigs or presets. Older files have the extension .kipr. More current files have the extension .krig and .kpreset.

    First make sure, these files have the correct format and are for example not zipped.

    Rigs are added to the Rig browse pool. But if these are presets e.g. stack presets, you need to search the pool of stack presets.

    Make sure you have selected View "All Rigs" while browsing. Otherwise you might just find a fraction of Rigs.

    Last not least make sure your OS is current. If it's not and the Rigs are stored with a current OS, these might just be too new and the older OS might not accept these as Rigs.

  • Hi the Kemper Stage has the last version Betathe Rig Manager has the last version of (Rig Manager) :)

    The proceedings was:

    Formatting the USB stick - insert the USB stick - press on the stage (USBstick) - backup/Restore - Restore - Restore "Again" -

    But when i go to the Kemper Stage the profiles aren't there, the profiles are (Fender 65 Dlx Rev Clean 1 LP - 2023-07-04 10-10-07.krig).

    What have i done wrong?

    Thanks for your help :)

  • looks like you made a mistake in the order of events

    You need to press

    USB Stick



    Now you will see a bar graph indicating the progress of the backup process.

    Afterward, you can restore the backup by pressing


    If you pressed Restore first you restored whatever other backup was already on the stick and replaced your current rigs with the ones from that backup.

  • Sorry, I'm competely lost!

    First you wrote, you cannot "store".

    But a message like "profiles are already inside" corresponds to an atempt to import. Import and store are two different things.

    Now you initiate a "restore"!? Store and restore will never lead to a message like "profiles are already inside".

    Then you describe this process:

    Formatting the USB stick - insert the USB stick - press on the stage (USBstick) - backup/Restore - Restore - Restore "Again"

    The formatting would wipe out all data on that stick!? In that case there is nothing left to import nor restore.

    What are you exactly trying to do? Have you got Rigs, that you are trying to import?

    In that case store those unzipped Rig files in folder "Shared" of your USB stick which is already formatted now. You don't need to format again.

    Plug USB stick into your Stage.

    And then use the import function - not the restore function.

  • I'm sorry but English is not my first language. When I said that the profiler say that the profiles are already inside is because when I tried the first time, I went to check if I had transferred the profiles inside the Stage and they wasn't inside "actually in the Kemper Stage", but when I tried to reinstall the profiles for the second time, always with the procedure suggested by the video, using a USB Stick, on the screen came written (The profiles you're trying to install are already inside, but in truth they aren't there

  • I followed this video, can you tell me if is the right process?

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  • So, it's about importing and not storing nor restoring.

    Normally, this formatting isn't needed, USB flash drives are already preformatted with FAT32. You just need to plug the USB flash drive once into your PROFILER. If soft button 3 shows "USB Stick" onscreen, you are done. No formatting is needed anymore.

    The terminology in the video is not precise. He is talking about "PROFILEs", but he seems to import Rig files. Files available in Rig packs, Rig Exchange and commerical offerings are normally complete Rigs which included a PROFILE. I try to clarify this, since theoretically somebody could share PROFILEs in the form factor of amp presets, cabinet presets or stack presets. These can also be imported from USB flash drive, but afterwards don't appear in your pool of Rigs, but in your pool of amp, cabinet, or stack presets.

    The video then shows how to unzip and copy Rigs into the folder Shared on the USB flash drive and how to import from there. This should work.

    If you afterwards don't find those Rigs, you are either not looking at the right place

    - browse the pool of Rigs

    - and set the View to "All Rigs", otherwise you might just see a fraction of the Rigs stored in your pool

    or the files are currupted and no valid Rig files and consequently not imported

    or the Rigs were stored with an OS version significantly younger than the OS installed on your PROFILER, so that your PROFIDLER doesn't accept those as valid Rig files.

    If you cannot figure that out, open a support ticket and inlcude:

    1. which OS is currently isntalled

    2. an example of a file you try to import

    3 a current backup of your PROFILER.

  • Hi, you have been really nice, all my tools, Mac, Kemper are updated with the latest versions, the USB stick was new brand, the profiles they were bought by Rigbusters.

    I checked if the profiles were stored in the Kemper through the iPad's Rig manager and straight on the Kemper Stage but they weren't there.

    I think I have to open a ticket, th

    I recorded 2 videos maybe they will explain better than me 😁

  • You have opened support tickets and sent videos for demonstration purposes.

    You seem to intend importing RigBusters Rigs. But according to your videos, you don't select "Import" from the USB menu, but "Backup" and "Restore". Press "Import" instead.

    I did both version, but i just recorded one of the two tests I did, i followed this video

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