Profiler USB Audio -> Windows -> Audio Interface. No Audio!

  • Hi!

    Haven't done anything with my Profilers than playing for the last year...

    Now i want to use the usb audio option for the first time.

    In windows sound settings, i chose the profiler as the input source. Level to 100 and unmuted. I see the signal when playing, so it does get into the pc.

    For several reasons I want to monitor it not with the profiler but with my audio interface (focusrite scarlett 8i6). But despite trying every setting, I can't hear my profiler signal out of my focusrite. Other sources like sounds from the webbrowser go to the focusrite. Any clue what i am doing wrong?

  • Direct Monitoring is by nature only available in the interface that is used as the input device. You have to activate the software monitoring option in your DAW if you want to monitor a signal from an interface that is not configured as the output device. In that scenario, you have to cope with the latency that is caused by the buffer setting in your DAW.

  • Infact, i thought I would not need a DAW in that scenario. I hoped that i could route the input (Profiler audio) directly to the output (focusrite). when just playing without need for recording or other daw support, this would be useful for me. And in the windows settings i can choose where the signal from the profiler should be routed to (internal speakers, focusrite...). But this doesn't seem to work.

  • Take this with a grain of salt if necessary as useless at tech. Got a feeling windows may only be able to cope with 1 usb connection, although I may have read there is something asio4all can do to change this somehow? Long post to say why use the focusrite at all in that scenario, maybe input / output from your soundcard (realtek whatever)?

  • At least on a Mac, you can do what you ask. When I practice, I almost never have a DAW open.

    I would think its possible on Windows.

    I am having the same issue on a Mac, How did you get it to work?

    Profiler connected to USB only, and I chose it as input, and my UAD Apollo is connected thru thunderbolt to a Mac and to monitors, which is the output

    I can only hear the Kemper in Logic, while monitoring is switched on, there is a tiny bit of latency, I also got it to work using a routing app, LOOPBACK, but this is a longer routing, and it even has more latency than logic

    There is no sound coming out of my speakers without a DAW or loopback.

    I even tried a 2nd app too, soundforge, which provides on the fly simple routing, did not work either, I even bypassed the UAD Apollo, to see if it is the problem, and I let the output be my HDMI, computer audio comes out of the TV, but, but no guitar.

    Can you share how you got audio to work on a Mac without DAW or other routing?

  • What do you have set as the output on your Mac? Set it to Profiler and see how that does.

  • if you want to use more than one audio interface with one computer you either have to use software monitoring to pass the signal from the first interface to the outputs of the second interface or if you are on a Mac you can create an aggregated device to combine multiple audio interfaces into one big one.

  • What do you have set as the output on your Mac? Set it to Profiler and see how that does.

    The output is set as the UAD Apollo, and I tried it as HDMI, guitar is not coming out of these outputs.

    I set it to profiler, it takes the sound of the computer back to the profiler and plays thru my cab (I also have a guitar cab connected to the profiler thru the profiler power amp) but the guitar is not played back into the cab, only Audio from Mac (apps/music/youtube/etc).

    So the routing is there, (since profiler records too in DAW, and sounds originating from Mac are coming in) but the sound of the guitar is not coming out of the monitor, or back to the profiler (or the HDMI)

    Even in the Sound Forge App, profiler is selected as input, and signal from the profiler shows normally, just nothing coming out.

    I'll try to disconnect the UAD completely.

    How ate you setting yours up? how do you send audio from to your monitors? no interface?

  • if you want to use more than one audio interface with one computer you either have to use software monitoring to pass the signal from the first interface to the outputs of the second interface or if you are on a Mac you can create an aggregated device to combine multiple audio interfaces into one big one.

    I tried a multi output device but did not work, I'll try to mess with the aggregate thing. Thanks for the reply.

  • if you want to use more than one audio interface with one computer you either have to use software monitoring to pass the signal from the first interface to the outputs of the second interface or if you are on a Mac you can create an aggregated device to combine multiple audio interfaces into one big one.

    I tried this and it is not working

    As I said all audio goes from the Kemper, and even comes back to it when I set profiler as output, or add it to the Mac as an aggregate device with the Apollo, it is detected by the Mac but no output from the temper itself, unless DAW is on and monitoring is activated, but as I am reading someone said he is trying it with out a DAW.

    I am doubting that I need to give permissions of MICROPHONE to Kemper,

    In case of UAD, the UAD controller software is given permission upon installation, and any software I add usually prompts for that, but the Klemperer did not prompt for that, and I don't know if possible.

    Does anyone have the rig manager in their Microphone access? (Privacy page in sys preferences)

    Can anyone please let me know how they are connecting? the config on their Macs?

    I tried everything and nothing is working, if someone can tell how they are setup the Kemper with an existing interface and using USB only and with out a Daw, I'd appreciate it

  • if you want to use more than one audio interface with one computer you either have to use software monitoring to pass the signal from the first interface to the outputs of the second interface or if you are on a Mac you can create an aggregated device to combine multiple audio interfaces into one big one.

    nope,. it ain't the interface, I tried again on a MacBook Air laptop, directly to Kemper, no interface.

    As I said, computer sees the PC, audio is recognized and there is a good signal, but no Audio unless there is a DAW with monitoring on, or other routing software that creates the same environment as the DAW and routes the input to the speakers.

    Without it, no sound.

    I don't know how people are saying it works on a Mac without a DAW. I tried tinkering with all the output settings on the Kemper, does not work.

    With windows probably the AISO driver will act as the connection between the input and the speaker, but the Mac natively won't play a sound.

    If someone has it working like that, please let us know. if it doesn't work I'll submit a request to have it or make a dedicated post.

  • I have no issue monitoring the signal of my guitar and the signal coming from the computer without any DAW opened on my MacBook. I can control the level of the audio signal that is coming from the Mac using the DAW volume parameter on the USB audio page on the Profiler. In order to work without a DAW I have assigned the Profiler to be the input and output in Audio settings of the Macbook system settings. The direct monitoring option in the Profiler is active to provide latency-free monitoring.

    OSX is unable to forward the incoming sound from an external audio interface to its own headphones or internal speakers without a loopback app or a DAW.

    In order to use the Profiler as your USB audio device you need to connect your speakers to it just like you would with any other audio interface.

  • I have no issue monitoring the signal of my guitar and the signal coming from the computer without any DAW opened on my MacBook. I can control the level of the audio signal that is coming from the Mac using the DAW volume parameter on the USB audio page on the Profiler. In order to work without a DAW I have assigned the Profiler to be the input and output in Audio settings of the Macbook system settings. The direct monitoring option in the Profiler is active to provide latency-free monitoring.

    I literally did the same thing, nothing is happening, And I jus did again, disconnected everything but the USB to the Mac, and Mac connected to an HDMI TV

    I assigned Profiler as input /output, and in another instance I assigned profiler as input and HDMI/Macbook Speakers as output: nothing.

    Both computer I used without an interface. No sound, until I kick in loopback or DAW.

    Direct monitoring is on. and I used the DAW volume too, doesn't seem to be doing anything, I can't hear it, and I see the signal is still there, but volume is unchanged regardless of setting. When I open Logic, I get the Kemper sound output thru logic monitoring, but DAW volume does nothing. only control I have over sound is the Rig volume. Recording and everything is working fine, even splitting into DI/Master Mono works fine.

    But I am confused where you say it works for you, but at the same time you are saying "OSX is unable to forward the incoming sound from an external audio interface to its own headphones or internal speakers without a loopback app or a DAW."

    If you mean only Kemper as the external interface? then how is it working for you WITHOUT a DAW? are you using LoopBack??

  • I am monitoring directly from the Profiler using the direct monitoring option. Without a DAW or Loopback app you need to monitor from the actual audio interface (in this case the Profiler). The benefit is that this monitoring approach can be done with zero latency. Any configuration that sends the incoming audio to the outputs of a second device will introduce additional latency to the signal.

  • Direct monitoring is on. and I used the DAW volume too, doesn't seem to be doing anything, I can't hear it, and I see the signal is still there, but volume is unchanged regardless of setting. When I open Logic, I get the Kemper sound output thru logic monitoring, but DAW volume does nothing. only control I have over sound is the Rig volume. Recording and everything is working fine, even splitting into DI/Master Mono works fine.

    it appears that you are unaware of the actual meaning of some of the parameters. The DAW volume parameter is not controlling the level that is sent to the DAW but the level of the signal that is coming from the computer back into the Profiler over the USB connection. You set it to a level where you can hear the guitar signal comfortably and in balance with the playback that is coming from the computer. Direct Monitoring allows you to hear the actual guitar signal in the Profiler.

  • I assigned Profiler as input /output, and in another instance I assigned profiler as input and HDMI/Macbook Speakers as output: nothing.

    Both computer I used without an interface. No sound, until I kick in loopback or DAW.

    as I already wrote you cannot send audio that is coming in from one device to the output of another device in OSX without using a loopback app or a DAW. The only way to monitor without latency is by using direct monitoring and connecting your speakers or headphones to the Profiler.