Latency while recording from USB ?

  • Try a buffer size of 144 or higher. I expect you are getting a lot of pops and cracks at just 64. Direct monitoring is okay but if you use plugin effects then you probably want to monitor from DAW,

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Hi All,

    Just updated and wanted to record by using the new USB feature.

    I am experiencing a lot of latency - recording into Logic - Buffer size 64

    Any tricks?

    Your latency at 64 would be about 1.5ms which is like playing just 2 feet from a drummer or cab. This would be ideal. Using the Kemper interface and ASIO4All driver, I cannot go lower than 144 buffer size without degradation of the signal. Having a high latency with a low buffer of 64 does not make sense. Can you give more details about your settings?

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I have to agree! When you're recording guitar, plug your headphones into the Kemper = no latency.

    The problem with that is you can't play to any plugins and/or adjust your technique in response to those plugins. I've never found direct monitoring to be useful. Simple use latency compensation in your DAW for a tight experience.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • for a latency-free experience, you need to use the direct monitoring function in the Profiler. Using software monitoring will add latency like with any other USB audio interface.

    Great! 8) .. and the manual says:

    "Activate “Direct Monitoring” if you prefer to monitor the PROFILER output signal without the latency of the DAW. In this case, mute the active track while recording in the DAW to avoid monitoring the signal twice."

    .. but where and how to "Activate “Direct Monitoring” ? .. do you mean: "Activate “Direct Monitoring in your DAW" ? .. and if so.. how to do that in i Studio One? :/

    Thank you in advance :)

  • Great! 8) .. and the manual says:

    "Activate “Direct Monitoring” if you prefer to monitor the PROFILER output signal without the latency of the DAW. In this case, mute the active track while recording in the DAW to avoid monitoring the signal twice."

    .. but where and how to "Activate “Direct Monitoring” ? .. do you mean: "Activate “Direct Monitoring in your DAW" ? .. and if so.. how to do that in i Studio One? :/

    Thank you in advance :)

    Check the box in the USB Audio Interface page in Output menu.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • direct monitoring is activated by default in the Profiler. I have no personal experience with Studio One but generally speaking, you should deactivate any type of software monitoring in your DAW when using the direct monitoring in the Profiler or any other interface for that matter.

  • Great! 8) .. and the manual says:

    "Activate “Direct Monitoring” if you prefer to monitor the PROFILER output signal without the latency of the DAW. In this case, mute the active track while recording in the DAW to avoid monitoring the signal twice."

    .. but where and how to "Activate “Direct Monitoring” ? .. do you mean: "Activate “Direct Monitoring in your DAW" ? .. and if so.. how to do that in i Studio One? :/

    Thank you in advance :)

    In Logic, you simply mute the track that is record enabled. I did all of this yesterday and it worked really well. As stated, the Kemper direct monitoring is auto enabled and easy to find in the USB section of the output menu, page 7 on the kemper

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10