Monitor Volume turns down on its own?!

  • Hey Forum

    I have a Kemper Stage which I am connecting to a Kemper Kabinet which i’m using as a monitor. I am not using any volume pedals and the Kemper is using the latest software update. The LED Collar is set to control the monitor output.

    On some of my higher-gain patches whenever I hold a note for about seconds or more, I lose volume (the LED collar lights literally turns off on their own without being touched).

    I do not have this problem when playing quickly or using lower gain patches - it's only when I hold a note.

    I normally have the LED collar set to around 5 o clock (so quite high) but when the issue occurs the lights go down to about 12 o-clock (so 50% of the volume.)

    I've also noticed that when I strike a note on the guitar the output button only shows orange, but after a couple of seconds it starts to go red (which coincides with the monitor volume dropping in volume). It's almost like the output increases after I hit a note, and then the Kemper is turning the volume down automatically?

    I'm sure this is probably something straight forward (i'm not hugely technical) but I have gigs coming up and i’m really scared to use the Kemper as it stands.

    Thanks in advance for anyone who can help - really appreciate it. :thumbup:

  • Is really Master Volume the origin of these fluctuations and how would you know?

    The LED collar doesn't reflect Master Volume but one of output volumes e.g. Monitor Output Volume. This is configured via Vol. LED Collar in System Settings.

    So perhaps just Monitor Output Volume is fluctuating and the LED collar reflect that.

    If MASTER VOLUME itself would fluctuate I would expect the overlay to appear on screen which shows all the output volumes. Does this happen?

  • Thanks for the message.

    Firstly, there is no Input Gate. The Gate on the preset i've tried deactivating so that isn't the issue

    You are correct - the LED collar is set to the Monitor Output volume, and that is what is dropping in volume. When I set the LED collar to 'Main Volume' I can see that this does not drop in volume.

  • Final questions from me : Is this only happening with "Monitor Out L" ?

    How about "Headphones Out" or "Main Out L - R" ? :/

    You wrote you "tried to remove the gate" .. Are you 100% sure you deactivatetd all Noise gates ??

    And yes, there is a Noise Gate in the INPUT section ....

    Press INPUT and step fwd or back with soft button to check ....

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • Thanks for the message.

    Firstly, there is no Input Gate. The Gate on the preset i've tried deactivating so that isn't the issue

    You are correct - the LED collar is set to the Monitor Output volume, and that is what is dropping in volume. When I set the LED collar to 'Main Volume' I can see that this does not drop in volume.

    Input Button - Noise Gate. It is not a stomp and serves a different purpose than the stomp noise gates.

    On the Head and Rack, there is a dedicated knob. On the Stage you have to press the Input button to see it.

  • Have checked the 'R' output and the same issue occurs

    Also checked the input button noise gate and thats turned off so also not the issue - but thanks for the ideas.

    Any other thoughts on what could be the issue? - It's almost like the monitor volume drops inline with the decay of the guitar when you let it ring out.

  • I am also having this issue , apparently I've had it for a couple weeks but didn't realize until yesterday while practicing at home and being able to pay attention to the db level of my monitor out decreasing while I was playing. I'd turn up my power amp and then watch my monitor out just drop on its own.

  • For me it happens no matter what profile I'm using, clean or heavy.. I'm not having the decay issue though , instead when I feel like I've set a good volume for my monitor out via the controls and my poweramp volume I noticed after a few seconds the monitor volume decreases on its own regardless of me playing. It's almost as if it's like on a morph function but on its own.

  • If the Monitor Output Volume on page Output Volumes in Output Settings is moving by itself, this could have various reasons:

    1. the pot of soft button 2 is defective. This should then also show on other screens e.g. the "MIddle" on the play page should also move by itself.

    2. an expression pedal is conencted and configured as Monitor Volume Pedal and there is a cable plugged in but no pedal at the other end or these are defective

    3. MIDI CC# 73 is received, which controls Monitor Output Volume

  • The Factory Resets in System Settings resets the unit to as-delivered-state including all data and settings.

    If you just intend to reset global settings (System Settings, Output Settings, and locks), press Init Globals in System Settings.