MIDI Command for Performance/Slot to Enable Stomp

  • The Kemper manual (MIDI Guide, Page 3) appears to be incorrect, or at least not working for me, to send a MIDI command in Performance mode to enable Stomp C for the rig in Slot 1. Here is the MIDI that gets me to Performance 1 (00), Slot 1 (01):

    [midi@00:00.00: CC47.00@2]

    [midi@00:00.00: CC50.01@2]

    [insert Stomp C enable MIDI here]

    The manual say to enable Stomp C, use CC19. However, none of the following iterations make Stomp C enabled:

    [midi@00:00.00: CC19.00@2]

    [midi@00:00.00: CC19.01@2]

    [midi@00:00.00: CC50.19@2]

    Does anyone know the secret MIDI sauce? Thank you!

  • MIDI control change #19 with values 1-127 activates effect module C. Practiced hundred thousand times.

    However, it can only acivate, if there is an effect in that module.

    Make sure the PROFILER is set to the correct MIDI global channel.

    I would suggest using MIDI bank select LSB and program changes to load Slots. MIDI control changes 50-54 simulate a button press (values > 0) and button release (value 0). So after sending cc 50 with value 1 you should send cc 50 again with value 0. Subsequent sending could trigger morphing. With bank select and program chaneg you avoid that complexity.

  • MIDI control change #19 with values 1-127 activates effect module C. Practiced hundred thousand times.

    However, it can only acivate, if there is an effect in that module.

    Make sure the PROFILER is set to the correct MIDI global channel.

    I would suggest using MIDI bank select LSB and program changes to load Slots. MIDI control changes 50-54 simulate a button press (values > 0) and button release (value 0). So after sending cc 50 with value 1 you should send cc 50 again with value 0. Subsequent sending could trigger morphing. With bank select and program chaneg you avoid that complexity.

    There is an effect (chorus) in Slot C. MIDI global channel is correct as the hundreds of other MIDI commands instances all works flawlessly.

    Are you saying send this?

    [midi@00:00.00: CC47.00@2]

    [midi@00:00.00: CC50.01@2]

    [midi@00:00.00: CC50.00@2]

    then send one of these?

    [midi@00:00.00: CC19.00@2]

    [midi@00:00.00: CC19.01@2]

    I have morphing setup for the first slot in the performance as a general use amp and just increases amp level for leads. I don't want to hijack that for a chorus always on morph from 0% mix to 100%. I simply want to enable Stomp C for a particular command.

  • Again, I recommend to use bank select LSB plus program changes to load Slots in Performance Mode.

    Morphing can be controlled via CC#80.

    Perhaps a timing issue. Have you checked what happens if you just send CC# 19? It should work the same in Browser Mode as well as in Performance Mode.

    What is your sending device? Have you tried to send MIDI CC# 19 from another?

    Last not least .... are you using a current OS version?

  • I'm not sure what "bank select LSB" is you are referring to here, sorry.

    I tried just using CC19 by itself and it doesn't do anything.

    I'm sending from my iPad using StageTraxx3 app via a WIDI Jack. All other MIDI commands work without fail, so I know it isn't a connectivity issue. I tried staggering the CC19 for one second after the others (at track start 00:00.00) and it still doesn't work.

    The endgame is I only have 125 performance slots and I don't want to each up an entire 5-bank slot with one single rig with chorus on when I can use an existing one and just trigger chorus on for it.

    I'm using the current non-beta OS on RM and Profiler. Thanks!

  • I just read through the most recent Kemper MIDI Guide (8.6) and there is no mention of using MSB or LSB. I describes MIDI, NRPN, and SYSEX. It still lists CC#19 as the way to toggle on/off the Stomp in Slot III.

    I did some testing and CC17-20 don't work. I tested CC26 (DELAY) and it toggles it on. Weird that that the stomps can't be toggled on/off like the manual says.

  • All you need to know for your application is described in the Main Manual chapter "MIDI". It describes how to load Slots in Performance Mode in great detail.

    CC#19 switches on/off effect module C in any mode. All it takes is an effect in module C. It's one of the most basic comands used by nearly everybody using MIDI. Since your PROFILER responds to other MIDI comands it has to respond to this one. A small icon (symbol of a knob) will appear on the right hand side of the screen, when the PROFILER receives CC.

    I suggest you test with another device as a reference e.g. a PC with MIDI OX and a simple USB/MIDI adapter. Perhaps your software or adapter is faulty.

  • All you need to know for your application is described in the Main Manual chapter "MIDI". It describes how to load Slots in Performance Mode in great detail.

    CC#19 switches on/off effect module C in any mode. All it takes is an effect in module C. It's one of the most basic comands used by nearly everybody using MIDI. Since your PROFILER responds to other MIDI comands it has to respond to this one. A small icon (symbol of a knob) will appear on the right hand side of the screen, when the PROFILER receives CC.

    I suggest you test with another device as a reference e.g. a PC with MIDI OX and a simple USB/MIDI adapter. Perhaps your software or adapter is faulty.

    As I mentioned above, it works perfectly fine for all CC commands EXCEPT the stomps. All my stomps have an effect loaded, so all it has to do with CC#19 is turn on Stomp C (III). It does not. Totally baffling! The adapter works fine as the Kemper receives all the other CC commands as well as another adapter connected to the mixer that receives CC on MIDI Ch1. The Kemper is MIDI Ch2. The Kemper's MIDI is set to Ch2 for both A and B. OR Omni works as well.

  • OK, I figured it out! I'm a dolt for this. I was looking at my Remote Slot III and correlating that to Stomp C. In Slot III I have assigned Slot X on the kemper for a Chorus effect, so while it is in the third (III) Remote stomp, it is actually the X slot on the Kemper. Damn, sorry for the frustration I was bringing to those of you trying to help. Humble pie eaten!! ^^

  • I have an old rack effect unit I want to use with the Kemper Profiler Stage. How do I activate the midi out on the stage so as I progress on the Stage in (performance mode), it will trigger the correct channel in the GSP1101? I am not a computer programmer and prefer old fashioned analog stuff, but I love the Kemper.

  • MIDI is digital "old stuff". I think it's originated in the 80s.

    As I understand the GSP 1101 can be triggered to load presets via MIDI program changes.

    1. On page "Perform Mode: MIDI" in System Settings select the MIDI OUT for MIDI Device A. You could edit the name tag of MIDI Device A to "GSP 1101". And you select one of the 16 MIDI channels corresponding to the receiving MIDI channel selected in the GSP 1101.

    2. Connect MIDI OUT with the MIDI IN of the GSP 1101.

    3. In each of the Performance Slots you intend to use set the MIDI program change to be sent. Enter menu via Edit/SlotSetting/MIDI Settings, select PrgChg for GSP 1101 and then the number. Don't forget to store the Performance.