Whose Profiles does Michael Britt use?

  • I just got Lonestar (Michael Britt's band) tickets... 3rd row center... my first actual "Country" concert.

    I should be close enough to see whose Kemper Profiles he uses. 😉 (not even sure if uses Kempers live...)

    Would be even better if crgtr flew out to sit in on a tune or two!

    Looking forward to the show....:thumbup:

  • I just got Lonestar (Michael Britt's band) tickets... 3rd row center... my first actual "Country" concert.

    I should be close enough to see whose Kemper Profiles he uses. 😉 (not even sure if uses Kempers live...)

    Would be even better if crgtr flew out to sit in on a tune or two!

    Looking forward to the show....:thumbup:

    Saw them last year in August or September I think, he was using a Kemper Stage and his signature Valvetrain looked to be hooked up, though he did have in ears also. When he switched from the toaster to the stage he put up a video of what all he was using. Honestly, I only went to hear him play, never heard the group before as I'm not into country music very much, but when I told my wife we were going she went to another room in the house and came back with a Lonestar CD. I asked where she got it and her reply was it had been in the entertainment center since the late 1990's when she bought it, I guess she used to play it in the car when I wasn't with her. Live, they were really good and I'd see them again if the opportunity presents itself, but I've still never heard the CD.

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  • You never know what MB is using. No way to tell. But he has stated many times he uses his own amp profiles. He also has stated here recently something about playing a profile for a few months before adding it to a pack. So my guess is a bunch of his own tones, some from packs, some custom.

  • Yeah, I use mostly my own profiles. I did use a modified Don Peterson stock profile for one of the wacky sounds on our new recording of "No News" but I changed the amp stack to one of mine and altered some of the levels of the fx.

    People ask me which profiles I use and some have been pretty consistent over the years, but every 6 months or so I start questioning if I'm using the "best" profiles for the job so I will do a lot of comparing and trying out, especially after I've made more new profiles. I've found that I have a few basic sounds I have to cover and here are some of the rigs I've used to cover those sounds:

    clean(ish): 3P Black Cln, Morgan RCA 3, BMaster, Gram SSS, 79 Twin, MeBo MKiii

    light gain: usually one of the above but with a Pure Booster or Green Scream or Kemper Drive added for grit

    mid gain rhythm: 3P Black D9 (klon), BMaster (nobels), MeBo MKiii, Match C30, Vox AC30, 79 Twin (Green Scream), Custodian PT

    lead gain: 72 Mars, 68 Mars, Friedman SS100, 5150III, MeBo MKiii

    Also, I usually use the profiled cabs on most of the clean tones, but as the gain goes up, if I hear too much tonal difference or feel like the bottom or low mid drops out I will try a couple of my favorite cabs on the gain rigs. There is one in particular that I use a lot for many of my live performance rigs. I use the same cab most of the time when profiling but the Kemper algorithm that decides what is the cab and what is the amp creates slightly different sounding cabs with every profile. One of those I just find particularly pleasing and it works well sonically with the band. I would say that most of my mid to high gain tones use that cab unless I'm really just going for a "different" sound like on our cover of "In The Air Tonight" where I want that mesa grind.

    I've thought about putting out my live rig performances but people would probably be taken aback by how much fx I have on them. Out of context, there is a lot of delay and such. But in context and since I program everything to the exact tempo of each song, the delays kinda disappear and I have to run the mix higher to hear/feel them where I want. But listening to them in isolation they sound pretty effected. If you play those rigs on a different tempo song it would sound cluttered I would think.

    Look forward to seeing you at the show!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Thanks so much for the insights lonestargtr. Cool stuff and nice to see what you prefer out of that universe of great profiles you have at hand :thumbup:8)

    That SS100 you mention is that the BE100 with your tweaks for SS which you explained in one of your blog entries some time ago or something else? Don't remember that I've seen the SS100 in your packs but maybe in the small handful which I am still missing :/

  • Thanks so much for the insights lonestargtr. Cool stuff and nice to see what you prefer out of that universe of great profiles you have at hand :thumbup:8)

    That SS100 you mention is that the BE100 with your tweaks for SS which you explained in one of your blog entries some time ago or something else? Don't remember that I've seen the SS100 in your packs but maybe in the small handful which I am still missing :/

    It'll be in my next 6-Pack available soon, along with an EVH Icon, Blankenship Plexi, Mars Studio 20 Plexi, Soldano 30

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Also, I usually use the profiled cabs on most of the clean tones, but as the gain goes up, if I hear too much tonal difference or feel like the bottom or low mid drops out I will try a couple of my favorite cabs on the gain rigs. There is one in particular that I use a lot for many of my live performance rigs. I use the same cab most of the time when profiling but the Kemper algorithm that decides what is the cab and what is the amp creates slightly different sounding cabs with every profile. One of those I just find particularly pleasing and it works well sonically with the band. I would say that most of my mid to high gain tones use that cab unless I'm really just going for a "different" sound like on our cover of "In The Air Tonight" where I want that mesa grind.

    Thank you very much for chiming in and providing such valuable insights! Would you mind sharing the actual name of the profile containing that magical cab?

  • I've thought about putting out my live rig performances but people would probably be taken aback by how much fx I have on them. Out of context, there is a lot of delay and such. But in context and since I program everything to the exact tempo of each song, the delays kinda disappear and I have to run the mix higher to hear/feel them where I want. But listening to them in isolation they sound pretty effected. If you play those rigs on a different tempo song it would sound cluttered I would think.

    Please! I think many of us would love to learn from one of the greats.