Need Help! Input Going Solid Red in the Middle of a Show

  • Could use some help. I've reached out to kemper directly as well. I have an unpowered rack style kemper. I play guitar and bass for my band, so this weekend in the middle of a set i switched off my guitar and over to bass. When i came back to use my guitar again, the input light went solid red and just screamed out of my cabinet. I had a second show Sunday and it did the same thing, but i caught it before i was playing so i was able to reset the unit and clear the red light. Here are the settings:

    -Unpowered Kemper into a Freyette Power Station 2 into a Victory 2x12

    -DI Is also plugged in so i'm outputing via the mains and my cab

    -Playing a live show in browser mode

    -Guitar goes into a pedal board consisting of Wah, OD Pedal, Delay Pedal, then directly into the input on the front of the kemper

    -During the break, my guitar was unplugged, I had the tuner engaged on my Kemper Remote with a muted signal, and my fryette was in standby mode

    During this break is when it seems to happen. The only way to address is by turning the kemper off and back on.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • I'm not clear which inputs and outputs you are exactly using.

    Are you feeding the Freyette via MONITOR OUT in mono, or MONITOR OUT paired with DIRECT OUT with "Monitor Stereo" activated?

    And the MAIN OUT is feeding FOH?

    What does "switched off guitar" mean? Are both guitar and bass connected to Front INPUT or ALTERNATIVE INPUT? Is there a signal A/B switch in between?

    Is any other equipment looped in? Or is the RETURN used for anything?

    How is Input Source set?

    It sounds as if you feed an output signal back into the PROFILER input.

  • I will look to clarify this but i'm still new to this. Fryette is being fed via monitor out, there is no direct out plugged in (i had a direct out in during the show but i tried to replicate the issue at home and was able to do so without the DI plugged in). I'm using Speaker Out to feed my 2x12.

    When i say switched, i mean i activated tuner mode via the kemper footswitch with a muted signal and unplugged my guitar. The cable was left alone unplugged for 4-5 songs before i returned to my kemper rig and plugged a guitar back in. upon plugging my guitar back in the input light was solid red and screamed when i turned my fryette back on.

    No other equipment looped in, no return being used.

    I replicated this as home. I had my kemper turned on with only a guitar in the input jack and headphones plugged into the headphone jack. I turned on tuner mode and unplugged my guitar. After about 6-8 minutes my input light started flashing red and green rather crazily. After doing this for a minute or 2 it was solid red and i had to reset the kemper.

  • I suggest you disconnect the guitar cable completely from the Front INPUT when it happens to see if the issue remains.

    An open guitar cable (without guitar) could act as an antenna and generate noise.

    You didn't answer my other question regarding which input you are using: Front INPUT or ALTERNATIVE INPUT.

  • Sorry about that. The input on the front of the kemper.

    I had rehearsal last night and it happened again. This time with the guitar plugged in the whole time but still in tuner mode. The light didn't go red, but it went solid yellow and i had to restart.

    I then left the guitar plugged in with the volume pot turned down and not in tuner mode and didn't see it happen.

  • Just a thought but I notice you have a delay in front of the Kemper. Is it possible that the pop from unplugging the guitar creates a delayed signal that goes into self oscillation?

    probably not but worth checking just in case..

    Ill try this out, but the pedal is typically in bypass and i had issues yesterday with the guitar plugged in. It seems to be tied to when i am in tuner mode for too long.

  • I've tried multiple cables, multiple guitars, with and without a pedal board and recently just with a cable and no guitar and with no cable at all, and it still happens.

  • I have a ticket open. I submitted a copy of my profiles.

    I plugged my guitar into the alternate input in the back and did not receive the same failure. So I believe it is isolated to my main front input. 2 questions,

    1. is that easily replaceable or do i need to ship to Germany to have that fixed?

    2. I have 6 shows within the next month. Am I able to utilize the alternate inputs as my main input?