Little brother Profiler Stage...

  • Hello, Kemper fans,

    I'm a Kemper Profiler Stage user. What do you think about a smaller version of this perfect unit(it could look like this for example). I had in mind something like a player for the already finished Performance that I prepare at home. On stage I always use only the already edited and prepared Performance and I hardly use any further editing. Something that would fit in my guitar case pocket(Mono Vertigo)........


  • A device like this is my #1 request from Kemper. For me, it would serve as a backup for my rack rig and as my primary rig for fly dates when I’m carrying minimal gear.

    Some folks dismiss this idea, saying it would be too expensive to manufacture in Germany to have a Tonex-level MSRP, but I don’t think it should be that inexpensive; perhaps just a little cheaper than the Stage as an alternative form factor. Currently, I have to go outside of the Kemper ecosystem to get that, and I’d much rather stay consistent with my tones and programming.

    One issue I see with this one is that the Performance mode is heavily built on 5 rigs per bank, so I think they’d have to squeeze that fifth switch on there somewhere to stay compatible with their existing products.

  • That loses too much functionality for me. I'm not sure there's any way to go smaller than the stage without losing something key or needing new software / ecosystem. I'd also expect it to be of a similar quality and cost to the existing models too.

  • There is no doubt some users want to "mini" Kemper and love the design work here.

    The simple question I suspect will be how this fits with the other KPA products, for example:

    1) Can it profile?

    2) Can it be used if you don't own another KPA

    3) If its not much smaller than the stage, is there much point or does it have to be significantly cheaper?