Correct working TAP Light

  • How do you know if you need something that's never existed before? Maybe they're planning an easier way to add a second volume pedal. 😉

    A blinking TAP light in the correct tempo is part of a lot of devices, so a half-decent musician should know it!


    To the feature request:

    By playing my Kempers for more than 8 years now, my faith in the Kemper software department decreases year by year.

  • Well, well, well, my previous post just got trashed bc I " tagged the names of team members" to bring this post to their attention. LAME (and shameful).

    Keep the wheels a squeakin on this topic folks! Sooner or later they'll get with the times....or maybe not, if they choose to keep ignoring the masses.

    Hell, even my antiquated GSP1101 blinks in time! :D

    C'mon Kemper seroiusly!

    Edited once, last by Twilt1973 (April 28, 2023 at 4:25 AM).

  • A blinking TAP light in the correct tempo is part of a lot of devices, so a half-decent musician should know it!


    To the feature request:

    By playing my Kempers for more than 8 years now, my faith in the Kemper software department decreases year by year.

    Maybe one day I'll get to half-decent and stop butchering audiences with my lack of adjusting my delay tempo on stage. 👍

  • Well, well, well, my previous post just got trashed bc I " tagged the names of team members" to bring this post to their attention. LAME (and shameful).

    Keep the wheels a squeakin on this topic folks! Sooner or later they'll get with the times....or maybe not, if they choose to keep ignoring the masses.

    Hell, even my antiquated GSP1101 blinks in time! :D

    C'mon Kemper seroiusly!

  • Real pros do that sort of thing with midi, don't they?

    You mean the tap light? With help of a click signal in the IEM? Or what do you exactly mean? Problem for years was that the midi clock fuction of the Kemper messed something up, so it had to be deactivated in order for the Kemper to not freeze from time to time on stage (!) when you sent midi clock signals to other units.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • A lot of old devices blink in time.

    That makes it even more to a mistery that Kemper says that this error has no priority.

    I think they are not able to fix it.

    Maybe not enough software brain, maybe a hardware problem.

    Yes right, it's not fixable, it's a hardware based issue. The keys and LEDs are queried and controlled in a multiplexed manner. You often see this in videos where the LEDs look strange like in a light show. The TAP blink superimposes this multiplex frequency which is around 25 Hz. You can see this when you go into edit mode (e.g. system menu button flashes). If you then change the TAP frequency (BPM), the system button also flashes in the same rhythm. This tells me that only one system timer is used to control the front panel and that this is constantly being interrupted at irregular intervals by other interrupt routines (MIDI, network, etc.).

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I didn’t mean 24 hour time itself is useless. I meant how time is implemented on the Remote is useless for ME. I’m 55, never ever used 24 hour time. So to now have to get used to it just for this one device is a no go.

    Are you serious. For anyone but americans, we have to use am/pm for certain american stuff. But you can’t do it the other way? It’s not like you are asked to learn Chinese…

    The Kemper is a German product, it uses the time convention that is the mostly used time convention in the world.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Sorry, I don’t feel like learning how to tell time all over again. I learned it the way my country does it 50 years ago. I bet Kemper sells more product here than most other countries. So a simple 12/24 button would then cover everyone.

    The tap light thing I can see not being so simple, timing, led lights, all that stuff. 12 hour time? Easy.

  • I have the suspicion that you want to keep this thread alive, artificially. This topic is a zombie, since it has been requested ten years ago and all the times after that.

    If you really want to annoy the moderators stop talking about it here and you and everybody post a new feature request once a day with exactly this issue.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I have the suspicion that you want to keep this thread alive, artificially. This topic is a zombie, since it has been requested ten years ago and all the times after that.

    If you really want to annoy the moderators stop talking about it here and you and everybody post a new feature request once a day with exactly this issue.
