Master volume for performances

  • I have no issues getting killer sounds from my Profiler, It's everything I would ever need. IMO the hardest thing to do is getting performances "even" for live consumption.

    It isn't too much trouble getting a single performance "leveled" by using the volume in the amp module or rig volume. What becomes more difficult is once I get 5 rigs perfect and then go to another performance that is leveled as well there might be some volume discrepancy between the two. Then I have to go and change 5 or more rigs to match and takes a lot of time bouncing back and forth seeing if I have it right. If it isn't, I have to go back and re-adjust 5 or more profiles. This can be time consuming and difficult.

    My request is to be able to have a Master volume for each performance to easily level a performance with the rest of my performances. Then once I have a performance the way I want it within itself, (Which is easy to do when taking rigs from the same pack or string of profiles) I can throw it in there and quickly get the whole thing up to speed with the rest of my performances in my profiler at the time. A Master like this would be a powerful editing tool and a greater level of control. Just like Mastering tracks for an album that were recorded in different studios etc. you want all the songs to be the same level. This would also be handy for songs you have dropped from the set but then pick up again later. You could throw it back in and quickly get it leveled with everything else you currently have on the Profiler. I beg of you to do this if it would be somehow possible, I think everyone using it live would benefit.

  • This would be a nice addition. Not sure how you all approach this situation. I had similar issues and finally decided to normalize all of my profiles(rigs with cabs) as rigs on the browser side. When I create a performance I paste a normalized profile(amp and cab) into the performance slot and add effects from there. Is this what you do?

    This issue has also caused me to reduce the number of profiles that I use so that the task of normalizing is reduced. I agree that normalizing between slots and performances is a pain. This is perhaps the biggest drawback of the Kemper for live use. It has made me consider going back to my amp and pedal board, which I haven't done yet...

    I would also like the ability to search and replace profiles(amp and cab) in the the perfomance/slots. This would allow me to renormalize profiles and insert them back into the performances without having to do it manually on a one by one basis.

    Edited once, last by lbieber (March 22, 2023 at 9:33 PM).

  • Whatever you do, make sure you set the clean sens correctly before touching any volumes, be mindful that browse mode and performance mode may have different clean sens settings, the input section can be locked or left unlocked and therefore different per Rig. I'm a use-one-guitar a performance guy, so I keep the input section locked and set clean sens for the guitar I'm using that day. The clean sens is adjusted correctly when if you go to a gainier profile and reduce the gain and the volume stays consistent at all gain levels. (If the cleaner sounds too soft, up the clean sens, if it's louder, lower it, single coils need higher values) Figure out what the clean sens should be for any other guitars you play.

    Only then worry about volumes between Rigs.

    I would do any leveling in browse mode. I'd pick one Rig, perhaps your favorite, that you forever use as your volume reference, whether you continue to like and use it or not. (Might not be a bad idea to see if this reference Rig's volume is one that is typical of Rigs in general, don't pick an unusually loud or soft one) Whatever Rigs you plan on using in performance mode, edit in browse mode first. Even better, make a copy of that Rig first, perhaps give its name some sort of special character that distinguishes it from raw Rigs. Take that copied Rig in browse mode, (perhaps save it in a special folder for edited Rigs) and do any basic tonal adjustments, (gain, EQ, definition, clarity, Pure cabinet, etc,) and save it. Maybe add some go to effect presets you use in general when you don't need anything special and save that in those Rigs too; then you don't have to reinvent the wheel over and over in performance mode. Then when you create performances, bring in those edited Rigs into performance mode. All your Rigs across various performances should then match in volume. Then you can tweak just about any parameter add various effects to your heart's content and all the volume should match.

    Keep in mind that the KPA is the absolute best in volume when compared to any other multi effects modeling/capturing unit out there. It is the ONLY unit that doesn't screw up the volume when you adjust the amps gain, but automatically compensates, as long as the clean sens is set correctly.

    One caveat: perceived volume when playing in isolation is different than when played in a mix. You can adjust everything perfectly when playing solo and it matches, but tones that in particular don't have as much high mids will sound lower in volume in a mix. So it's not a bad idea to save the X slot for an equalizer. See if subtle adjustments there fixes any volume inconsistency in a mix. A great way to test that (again ideally working in browse mode and adjusting there) is to play along with a recording on your computer and see how it cuts comparatively to other Rigs. If you're using an audio interface and DAW it's easy. Otherwise, utilize the aux input on the kpa and hook up your phone or computer's headphone output and play along with a recording. Then you can switch Rigs and see if the new one cuts as good as others. And again, do this before using the Rig in performance road.

  • I would also like the ability to search and replace profiles(amp and cab) in the the perfomance/slots. This would allow me to renormalize profiles and insert them back into the performances without having to do it manually on a one by one basis.

    I believe you could save presets of amp and cab settings you like. Then when you're in performance mode, you can drag amp and cab presets into the amp and cab sections. You don't even need to leave performance mode for this. Say you're in performance mode and make some amp and cab tweaks. Make a preset of each. It will default to be named as the name of the rig and appear at the bottom of the effect preset's list.

  • When I create a performance I paste a normalized profile(amp and cab) into the performance slot and add effects from there. Is this what you do?

    No but that is a good idea although would take a lot of time as well to go back through everything on my profiler and normalize them all.

    I agree that normalizing between slots and performances is a pain. This is perhaps the biggest drawback of the Kemper for live use.

    For sure and is exactly why I requested this. It is the biggest drawback of the unit IMO.

  • Whatever you do, make sure you set the clean sens correctly before touching any volumes,


    I would do any leveling in browse mode. I'd pick one Rig, perhaps your favorite, that you forever use as your volume reference, whether you continue to like and use it or not.

    That’s why CK created the Crunch rig and it automatically loads in Slot 1. By matching volumes to that you will have a consistent baseline.

  • This!!!

    That’s why CK created the Crunch rig and it automatically loads in Slot 1. By matching volumes to that you will have a consistent baseline.

    didn’t realize that. But that makes a ton of sense. I always figured that it was because they want something there by default vs a rig with the amp cab bypasses. So that’s another way to go about it. Set your clean sens correctly. Add rigs to a new performance, make sure their perceived volume matches crunch rig m. Then tweak them, copy and paste, and add effects to taste.
    for my part I’ve been using TJ commercial profiles for the last few years almost exclusively and they all are relatively balanced volume wise. I often create performances that are based on a few profiles of the same amp from a set. I end up with a few copies of that performed with some variety of effects that I stick with for a while. Thus even if they weren’t balanced with other profiles, for live sake, they’re balanced with each other by default.

  • Getting presets/rigs level set is the weakness of every digital unit I have used. I haven't seen a good solution to this yet. One of the units I have has meters in it that you can use to help but it is still a challenge.

  • I've found that most people don't know what clean sense really does. The manual doesn't do the best job of explaining it and many people get the wrong Idea from that. As I have wrote many times, there is a video that explains it crystal clear.

    In many amps when you turn up the gain, the volume often comes up with it, or if it doesn't, sometimes needs to. (Distortion sounds generally need to be much louder because of compression) Clean sense adjusts how the gain knob changes the way volume increases/decreases throughout the sweep of the knob so when you use the gain knob you can have the volume where you want it throughout the knob's range (very cool). If you were using a rig and not changing the gain on that rig clean sense wouldn't matter. I'd just leave it alone. Now if I was using a rig in multiple instances in multiple slots with different gain, I would possibly be adjusting it but you would still have to work on it to get it just right so in a mix gain up, (more compressed) or gain down, (less compressed) would be just right to have the volume you wanted as you move the knob. I think the Performance master volume would be a more powerful tool getting performances matched. Then all you have to do is get each song / performance right.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dynochrome: Spelling. (March 23, 2023 at 3:52 PM).

  • This is one of the reason I've bought a TJ pack. I just had to take and push rigs I want in every performances from clean to solo rigs. I know the difference level is great to come out in the mix for solos and the same for cleans whatever amps/cab I use....