no android app for rig manager since years? why?

  • So I just have to ask again right here and don't want to go to the linux forum because there's no answer there either.

    My question is very simple. Why isn't the Rig Manager available for Android devices? Why? There are so many many people using Android devices. Do you really have to buy Apple or Microsoft devices? That's shit!!! Nothing against Apple or Microsoft but that's complete crap.

  • This question has been asked before, and I totally get it, I am an Android user myself. The trouble is, it needs a significant development effort and Kemper's minds may be currently otherwise employed - they probably built the iOS app with the iPad in mind, not so much the iPhone, and there is a big install base for that. Also, the Apple eco-system is a closed system so is more predictable (in some ways - though Apple do have a habit of surprising people).

    Android tablets are great, I have one myself, but I think they are less common than Android phones or Apple iPads, and as Android is an open system they might vary in behaviour and skin.

    I am sure it's possible to develop using tools that will create apps for both, but they clearly didn't do that, maybe the graphics are hard to replicate using tools that do both, I don't know. But don't expect this anytime soon, I'm afraid.

    Kemper Powered Head / Stage / Powered Kabinet

  • Do you really have to buy Apple or Microsoft devices?

    My guess:

    The Kemper is designed for professionals. Pros will have a PC in the studio. This means Windows or Apple.

    Coding for IOS may be simple after coding for the Apple PC. May be very similar code? So IOS support may have been a secondary thing.

    Has anyone tried to run the IOS RM on and Android? Probably would be a PITA to get the files etc but people hack everything these days so...

  • This question comes up from time to time. It's a decision Kemper took and said from the very beginning that they weren't going to support Android. They've given no official reason and I'd bet never will.

    RM on iOS is *not* equal to the Windows or MacOS versions. Not by a longshot.

    If you look at OS versions.....Android has 4 or 5 different ones all with 10% or more of a share. Add that individual device makers frequently modify Android to suit them - making app support more difficult.

  • OT maybe. But i succeeded to install W11 on 2 old PC's. Microsoft looks into the hardware now like Apple. And they say every processor older than 4 years is unable to run W11. B.S. Download Rufus. Rufus Download the W11 ISO from the Microsoft site. Take an empty 8 GB USB stick. Rufus turns the USB stick into an install medium for W11. Rufus skips the hardware checks of MS. Remember in 2025 MS will stop releasing security updates for W10.

  • Please make an Android app. Just a freaking phone app. Android is literally the most ubiquitous operating system on the planet. Not every professional uses Apple products. I'm a professional I prefer Android phones and I'm not going to buy an iPhone simply to run my stage. Pretty please with sugar on top?||i

  • I'm software developer and as a hobby I 'm developing an android app similar to iPad app, I'm so glad with Kemper Stage and editor for mac but I need a tool for my life gigs and I only have an android phone, so a couple a months ago I decided to develop a simple one ...... hope a beta will be ready for January 2024...

  • G String
    November 6, 2023 at 12:11 PM

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  • G String November 6, 2023 at 12:19 PM

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