Installed OS 8.7.15 - Intermittent Sound Cut-Out; Can I downgrade?

  • As per the issue in OS 8.5.4

    “We have a new OS release revision 8.5.6, which fixes the issue of accidental Rig Volume reduction by -18.5 dB affecting a few rigs under OS 8.5.4”

    This is EXACTLY what is happening again in this latest OS.

  • As per the issue in OS 8.5.4

    “We have a new OS release revision 8.5.6, which fixes the issue of accidental Rig Volume reduction by -18.5 dB affecting a few rigs under OS 8.5.4”

    This is EXACTLY what is happening again in this latest OS.

    That's actually good news, because the OS 8.7.4 -18.5 dB issue was very deterministic! It affected specific Rigs to 100% and didn't affect any others to 100%.

    If you have such Rigs accidentally showing Rig Volume at -18.5 dB at OS 8.7.15, please open a support ticket and send those Rigs.

    OS 8.5.4 -18,5 DB Rig Volume BUG - SOLVED with OS 8.5.6 - Profiler related issues and trouble shooting help - Kemper Profiler Forum (

  • Experiencing the same issue since the last upgrade... Lose all signal when changing patches.. Been using Kemper since 2017 and never had an issue like this.... Takes a reboot to fix..... I'm afradi to use "Live" anymore.... I think this is a wide-spread issue with Ver HELP!!??

  • That's actually good news, because the OS 8.7.4 -18.5 dB issue was very deterministic! It affected specific Rigs to 100% and didn't affect any others to 100%.

    If you have such Rigs accidentally showing Rig Volume at -18.5 dB at OS 8.7.15, please open a support ticket and send those Rigs.

    OS 8.5.4 -18,5 DB Rig Volume BUG - SOLVED with OS 8.5.6 - Profiler related issues and trouble shooting help - Kemper Profiler Forum (

    drog This is still pending. Please open a support ticket and send us those Rigs which have reduced level.

  • For all the others experiencing generic loss of input signal issues when changing Slots in Performance Mode with OS 8.7.15, which are always fixed after a restart: Please open a support ticket and receive our checklist.

    Our engineering has not been able to reproduce this scenario one single time so far even with customer date and information. We need as much precise information and data as possible based on OS 8.7.15.

    For those with critical jobs: Please downgrade to OS 8.7.10.

  • For all the others experiencing generic loss of input signal issues when changing Slots in Performance Mode with OS 8.7.15, which are always fixed after a restart: Please open a support ticket and receive our checklist.

    Our engineering has not been able to reproduce this scenario one single time so far even with customer date and information. We need as much precise information and data as possible based on OS 8.7.15.

    For those with critical jobs: Please downgrade to OS 8.7.10.

    Played a gig last night, and the same exact thing happened as described. Which is a relief its not just me. I don't have many details because it was during mid song. Was playing on button 3 which was a clean sound, turned on button 1 that was for distortion and no output. Cables were good, everything showing it was on. Turned the Kemper off and then on, worked fine. A few songs later it happened again, same scenario. Button 3 clean, turned to button 1 for distortion and no sound, could only get sound with a restart. Eventually I bypassed the profile and used "Browser" mode with one sound the whole night and didnt have any issues. I also was at -14.5 dbs (BTW I wish there was a 'positive' value for this, or another way to measure loudness for the kemper)

    I can't remember when I upgraded to, but I didn't have the issue a week ago using it for rehearsal, as well as the week before. Im gonna do more testing to see if I can recreate the issue and i'll report back. Then i'll downgrade to 8.7.10

  • I can also report sound drop outs, but interestingly only on the left channel (while testing the newest OS.)

    Sounds similar to having a bad/broken cable, but it's the kemper.

    It occurs in the main outs, S/PDIF, as well as headphone out, don't know about the monitor out.

    I had it three or four times (2 minutes or even hours inbetween) in browse mode and lasts for a couple of seconds or until I reboot.

    Quite bad, when you trying to sell the unit....

  • Not every person experiencing headaches has the same desease. This is a good example. The situation you report is completely different and unique.

    Check Panorama setting in those Rigs you experience the issue with?

    Do you use a Loop Stereo? Could it be that your external gear looped in doesn't feed back one side of the signal? You need to feed the stereo return signal into two mono sockets.

    Otherwise open a support ticket and send a PROFILER backup of the issues state. No Rig Manager backup please.

  • Since we are not able to reproduce the issue, we are asking for the help of users who have experienced the loss of input signal while changing Slots in Performance Mode: Please try to provoke the issue again using this special attached test OS.

    Instead of loosing the input signal either the INPUT LED might show a permanent red color (until the unit gets restarted) or a warning might get displayed "Something went wrong....". In one of these cases or both please open a support ticket here, if not done already, and report the event. We will respond with instructions how to create a diagnostics file, which our engineering department requires for further analysis.

    Please don't use this test OS for production work! If you experienced the issue before, we recommend OS 8.7.10 for critical applications for the time being, although given the amount of installations the issue is very rare.

  • Since we are not able to reproduce the issue, we are asking for the help of users who have experienced the loss of input signal while changing Slots in Performance Mode: Please try to provoke the issue again using this special attached test OS.

    Instead of loosing the input signal either the INPUT LED might show a permanent red color (until the unit gets restarted) or a warning might get displayed "Something went wrong....". In one of these cases or both please open a support ticket here, if not done already, and report the event. We will respond with instructions how to create a diagnostics file, which our engineering department requires for further analysis.

    Please don't use this test OS for production work! If you experienced the issue before, we recommend OS 8.7.10 for critical applications for the time being, although given the amount of installations the issue is very rare.

    I use the Remote at rehearsal. Ill have it next week and give this a test.

  • We have just published OS 8.7.17 as public beta version. This revision avoids the accidental loss of input signal in Performance Mode.

    OS 8.7.10 release is safe. However, you can also upgrade to OS 8.7.17 public beta. Rig Manager will suggest the upgrade, if beta versions are selected in your Rig Manager prefererences. You can also download at OPerating System beta Versions" and install via USB flash drive. Instructions are included in the download package.