Kemper Rack and connection to Power Amp and Mixer simultaneously

  • Hello,

    I am pretty new to Kemper. Searched and could not find a technical answer to my question.

    I connected XLR outputs to Mixer and at the same time Chinch Main Outputs to Power Amp.

    (Reason for that is, that everything is hardly accessible and I did not want to plug and unplug the evrytime I dicide to use for just playing and then again when recording)

    Is there a problem using both (all 4) main outputs at the same time?

    I was wandering if there might be an overload to the Kemper, or the both the signals get to weak...

    I tried to use some of the factory presets and it seems some of those can't hardly pass their own Noise Gate settings... And I have to crank up their volume to even hear them.

    Could a behavior like this have something to do with my Output Setup?

    Bets Regards and thank you for your help,


  • Isn't the Monitor a mono output?

    Or in pair with the direct output convert to stereo - but losing the effect loop send?

    Yes you are correct. This doesn't bother me as I run Mono most of the time and rarely if every use the FX Loop so losing this for stereo wouldn't cause me an issue.

    To answer your initial question; I can't see any problem/danger in running all 4 main outputs simultaneously however, there may be some limitations in your set up.

    XLR cables are balanced but the 1/4" TS outputs are unbalanced. Balanced signals are 6db louder than unbalanced so they levels will never match without some adjustment at the receiving end.

    As you are running the XLR into a mixer or audio interface it is possible that this is engaging a mic pre amp which is boosting the already hot line level signal. Even with the input gain on the mixer turned down you may need to reduce the KPA output level to well below 0db to get a good clean signal. However, if this is the case the already 6db lower TS signal hitting your power amp will also be turned down significantly which may account for why the power amp currently sounds so quite.

  • Great hint!

    Thank you!

    I will have a look at the input settings of the Mixer (it is a digital one) ...

    You are right, I pluged into the "MIC" (XLR) inputs of the mixer... leaving the "LINE" inputs empty.

    I have just connected and it worked, so I was happy at first.

    Master Output is set to "Stereo" with Main Output Volume set to "-36.0dB"

    (that seems too low, right?)

    Which would be a good output volume to set for a mixer using TS cables and the "Line" input?

    Maybe I can get away with balancing erverything...?!

    Its all build in an old wardrobe and its a pain, to disconnect - resp. change cables... :(

    Else I will try your tipp with the Monitor/Direct Out setup, instead - until I really need an effect loop again.

  • So, yesterday I had the chance to try out the new settings and new cables...

    Kemper XLR Main Outs -> Audio Interface (Presonus 16.0.2) Line Inputs (balanced)

    Kemper 1/4" Main Outs -> Power Amp (Behringer 400)

    This really works well, I think...

    As suggested,

    Main Out -> -12dB - ticked

    Main Out Volume -> another -12dB (I started at 0dB, but the levels at power amp were way to high)


    With line input level at Audio Interface set to approx. unity -> DAW gives me recording levels between -20dB and -12dB.

    The power amp is playable as well.

    Plus: both -> DAW & PowerAmp sound very close.

    But one (or maybe two) questions still remain...

    1. I realized the clean sounds were way quieter than the distorted ones.

    So I started turning up the "clean sens" up unitl +7dB.

    With the result, that way more rigs have the same volume (or at least feel the same volume)

    The "dry" signal from "direct Out" also seems much better. In DAW at levels -24dB up to -12db (striking hard)

    With the +7dB in clean sens, the "Git Analog" seems a little bit better than the louder "Git Studio"

    With "Git Studio"there would be DAW levels between -18dB to -6dB.

    Would it be better to use "Git Analog" or "Git Studio"?

    2. Now for the reamping.

    With all controls at unity (in DAW), and the return input of the AudioInterface set to approx. medium, the Kemper seems to playback the distorted sound pretty well.

    But i read something about adjusting the input of the "reamp sens" to the opposit of the "clean sens"?

    But If I lower the "Reamp Sens" to -7dB (clean sens is +7dB) then the distortion vanishes completely, leaving only a crunch sound....

    Or is the "reamp sens" only for audio interfaces, that don't have a level control (return from DAW) back into the Kemper?

    Best Regards and another thank you very much for your help.

    Everything better than before!

    Edited 2 times, last by TommyTomTom (February 8, 2023 at 7:43 PM).