Add another mode for external switch: duplicate one of the I-IIII Effect Buttons

  • Recently I bought the Mission Engineering EP1 KP expression pedal with a toe switch, and would love to use the toe switch to duplicate one of the I-IIII Effect Buttons.

    Here's why. As a singer, I like to use the expression pedal to morph between verse/chorus sounds. That way, I don't need to look down onto the floor to locate the switch and visually verify that I've hit the switch properly. In many rigs, I assign one of the I-IIII Effect Buttons to act as a solo switch: to simultaneously turn on (i) a dirt stomp before the amp, (ii) a boost pedal after the amp, and perhaps (iii) an additional delay pedal as well. If this could be done by the toe switch, it would be even better. On countless occasions, I've hit e.g. the tuner switch instead of my "solo switch". (In the heat of the fight, funny things tend to happen unduly often.)

    The current functionality of the external switch is, honestly, very limited for my use with the toe switch. Implementation-wise, the extra function should be a no-brainer.

  • Have you considered assigning the function Moprh to your toe switch instead of activating/deactivating one effect module e.g. module B?

    You could then Morph parameters like Drive, Volume, and Mix within those effects. The set of parameters and ranges can vary by Rig. And you could set Rise Time and Fall Time to 0 for instant effect.

  • Have you considered assigning the function Moprh to your toe switch instead of activating/deactivating one effect module e.g. module B?

    You could then Morph parameters like Drive, Volume, and Mix within those effects. The set of parameters and ranges can vary by Rig. And you could set Rise Time and Fall Time to 0 for instant effect.

    Even better if you could have to separate Morph groups on different switches/expresion pedals 😁

  • Have you considered assigning the function Moprh to your toe switch instead of activating/deactivating one effect module e.g. module B?

    You could then Morph parameters like Drive, Volume, and Mix within those effects. The set of parameters and ranges can vary by Rig. And you could set Rise Time and Fall Time to 0 for instant effect.

    Apparently, I failed to stress that enough -- morph is what I use the expression pedal for already (typically to build up from verse to chorus). The toe switch would ideally serve as either a solo switch or a middle8 switch. :)

    Edited 2 times, last by HonzaZouhar (January 17, 2023 at 11:33 PM).