I am wildly uninformed on what speakers I can plug my Powerhead into. Please help.

  • So I have used a kemper head for a few months now but constantly plug it into the speaker system at the frat house. Now that I am home I want to invest in a nice cabinet solution. I am also interested in plugging into a milkman "the amp" combo units speaker. I am most confused about the speaker wattages and what speakers/cabinets I can plug into before the 600w powerhead blows it out. I am not too interested in an frfr unit right now so it would be helpful if we just stayed on normal cabinets/speakers from combo units. If anyone has any experience with a similar situation any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Then….why would you need another solution? Just curious.

    I want to plug into a good cabinet instead of a Kabinet or different frfr. Just curious if I could get away with plugging the head into a good combo amp, this way I wouldn’t have to buy another speaker. I have a milkman the amp combo but am not sure the correct procedure of unplugging the head and plugging the kemper into the speaker.

  • Well….the Kone is about as good as anything. All you’ll get with something else is ‘different’, not necessarily better.

    You’d need to wire a jack directly to the speaker and bypass the combo amp section completely. Basically, look at the wires coming off the speaker. You need two like that going to a 1/4” jack.

    A handful of parts and 15 minutes with a soldering iron and a few basic wiring skills.

  • Well….the Kone is about as good as anything. All you’ll get with something else is ‘different’, not necessarily better.

    You’d need to wire a jack directly to the speaker and bypass the combo amp section completely. Basically, look at the wires coming off the speaker. You need two like that going to a 1/4” jack.

    A handful of parts and 15 minutes with a soldering iron and a few basic wiring skills.

    what about wattages in the speaker? Still confused about that, even with how the kabinet

  • I plugged into a combo amp for several years but it had an effects loop, I could use the non powered monitor out on the Kemper and plug into the effects return on the combo amp and bypass the amps front end and use its power but I dont see an effects loop on your milkman amp.

    Ruefus gave a good example for hooking up from your speaker out on the Kemper but you would be altering your milkman amp slightly and could affect the resale value. You could get a speaker cable and cut one end off and put a ¼" female connector on it, then unplug the speaker cable from the milkman and hook the new cable from the Kempers speaker out to it without altering the milkman.

    Edit: dmatthews gave the same advice above, I was typing and didn't see it post, sorry to repeat an answer.

  • The speaker should have clips holding the wires on. Removing those and adding external ones will change nothing.

    Heck, after looking at the pic - the speaker appears to be plugged into your Milkman amp with a pancake plug. You can see it plugged in vertically to the left of the label.

    (ninja’d above)

    Plug that into the speaker out of the KPA and you’re golden. If you need an extension - use speaker cable (even home stereo cable works) or wires like you see there on your amp.

    Don’t use an instrument cable. The construction is different and isn’t the safest.

    The wattage is really immaterial. The 600 watt KPA amp can kill even the Kone. But you’d have to turn things up well beyond the pain threshold for your ears to do that.

    The speaker in your Milkman is 8ohm, 75 watts. I think. The label will confirm.

    Without going off into the weeds with an explanation- the speaker will be just fine, as will the KPA amp.