4CM Question

  • Is it possible to use the Kemper with a real amp? Utilizing the real amps power section when using profiles and also using the Kemper's effects when using the real amp? What is the 4CM setup for this if possible? And how do you switch back and forth to the Kemper and real amp? (using a real cabinet of course). Thanks

  • I went down that track when I first got the Kemper. Set it up so my signal went into the Kemper for the Stomps, then out to the amp for the preamp, then back to the Kemper for the Effects, then back to the amp for the power amp.

    It was honestly a waste of time and there's no easy way to use the Kemper amp profiles when you've committed to that set up. You get 1 amp unless you have a separate footswitch for amp channel, in which case you're now a tap dancer. 🙂

  • I went down that track when I first got the Kemper. Set it up so my signal went into the Kemper for the Stomps, then out to the amp for the preamp, then back to the Kemper for the Effects, then back to the amp for the power amp.

    It was honestly a waste of time and there's no easy way to use the Kemper amp profiles when you've committed to that set up. You get 1 amp unless you have a separate footswitch for amp channel, in which case you're now a tap dancer. 🙂

    Noted and thanks!

  • Is it possible to use the Kemper with a real amp? Utilizing the real amps power section when using profiles and also using the Kemper's effects when using the real amp? What is the 4CM setup for this if possible? And how do you switch back and forth to the Kemper and real amp? (using a real cabinet of course). Thanks

    The answer is yes but as mentioned you will not necessarily get much in the way of benefit.

  • Is it possible to use the Kemper with a real amp? Utilizing the real amps power section when using profiles and also using the Kemper's effects when using the real amp? What is the 4CM setup for this if possible? And how do you switch back and forth to the Kemper and real amp? (using a real cabinet of course). Thanks

    You could, but you wouldn't be gaining anything and most likely mucking up the sound of a good profile with dissimilar tube distortion. I'll take your "real" amp and profile it. In a blind test you won't be able to tell which is your very own amp and which is the profile. The "real" amp will do nothing more than burn more calories lugging around.

  • You could, but you wouldn't be gaining anything and most likely mucking up the sound of a good profile with dissimilar tube distortion. I'll take your "real" amp and profile it. In a blind test you won't be able to tell which is your very own amp and which is the profile. The "real" amp will do nothing more than burn more calories lugging around.

    All noted, but I am not an FRFR guy. I use a real cabinet with my powered Kemper or I use a tube amp for power.

  • All noted, but I am not an FRFR guy. I use a real cabinet with my powered Kemper or I use a tube amp for power.

    I use a "real" cab too, but likely would be fine with the right FRFR cab as well. that being said I would bet against most FRFR cabs actually being "flat response". Let's run them through pink noise and an analyzer and we'll see about that. Back in the 80's we had an analyzer and set our P.A. as flat as we could get it thinking that was the thing to do. It sounded horrible. Used the analyzer for the monitors instead.