I do understand that there could be phasing issues if this was done.
I wish there was a Wet/Dry knob in Kemper to blend the Cab with the direct Amp out signal.
I can’t see a scenario where this would be useful.
Can you give an example of why you would want this? -
It might be useful for some sounds. Remember these splitted 80´s DI-and-cruncy-amped-sounds? Well, but that is actually already doable right now by the parallel path
DI guitar signal and DI amp sound are two different things. I'm not aware that anybody ever blended in the output signal of a tube amplifier without guitar cabinet. That sounds very nasty, normally.
Are you talking about blending the DI guitar signal into the sound of the output? You have the Direct Mix parameter in the amp section to do just that.
The reason I asked because I like the sound of the "Cab ON" going into a traditional guitar Cab, but it would be nice to tone it down the "Can ON" a little since it's a little much. I would use the Kempers Cab ON to only flavor the direct Amp out signal out to the kempers power amp into a guitar cabnet. I do understand that Kemper recomends Turning Cab OFF when going into a traditional Guitar Cab. This would be only for monitoring only, not for FOH.
I am a little lost on what we are trying to achieve, but you can use the CHARACTER setting on the CAB section to get the cab closer to the DI sound. Set it to -5 for closest to DI sound.