2 Different Switches For One Effect

  • I had, what I thought was a clever idea...

    Footswitch 1 - Boost

    Footswitch 2 - Overdrive

    Footswitch 3 - Delay

    Footswitch 4 - Boost,Overdrive,Delay at the same time

    That way, I can turn on just one at a time, or all 3 at once with one stomp if needed.

    Problem is, if you assign an effect block to a remote switch, then assign it to another, it removes the first one.

    Is there any way to have 2 different switches turn an effect on or off?

    Before it gets mentioned, morphing is not what I need either, because morphing cannot turn a block on or off, only change its parameter. So, for example, if I have the overdrive on, but the mix set to 0, then morph, it will do what I want - but then I can't turn that block on or off directly anymore because the mix is set to 0 on load. Same for delay, or chorus, etc.


  • mmmnn, let’s get back on that, should be doable.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • My way:

    Performance mode: Slot 1 and Slot 2 with the same Rig but different settings for FX status.

    Slot 1:

    all FX off

    Footswitch 1 - Boost on

    Footswitch 2 - Overdrive on

    Footswitch 3 - Delay on

    Slot 2:

    all FX on

    Footswitch 1 - Boost off

    Footswitch 2 - Overdrive off

    Footswitch 3 - Delay off

    Edited once, last by IngoRockt (July 27, 2022 at 2:12 PM).

  • It couldn't be relevant cause there are two solutions ;

    1- Whether you have the current behaviour, that means each switches toggle between ON/OFF position, so ; if you press FS1 you disable Boost ; press FS3 ; delay disabled. Then if you press FS4 ; your boost and delay will be activated and the overdrive will be disabled.

    2- Or you have a recall "ON" position. You can have All FX Off, and press FS1 to activate Boost, etc, and FS4 to recall all FX ON. But in this configuration, you won't be able to go back to OFF position for FX you want

    I assume, in your exemple, you would like to have a mix behaviour between 1 & 2 ; FS 1 to 3 ; toggle ON/OFF ; FS4 ; recall all ON....

    It would mean that you can (and have to) programm the behaviour of each switch in every Rigs X/:/

  • As Steve pointed out there is a logic conflict with the concept of using the same effect on two switches as the switches don’t turn FX on or off but rather toggle their status. If an Fx is currently OFF pressing the footswitch doesn’t send and ON command it just sends a command to change status. If an FX is Currently ON it doesn’t send an OFF command but rather the same toggle state command as before. Therefore, the two footswitches could create all sorts of confusion.

    the best way to handle it is, as IngoRocket suggested and use two slots in Performance Mode.

  • It couldn't be relevant cause there are two solutions ;

    1- Whether you have the current behaviour, that means each switches toggle between ON/OFF position, so ; if you press FS1 you disable Boost ; press FS3 ; delay disabled. Then if you press FS4 ; your boost and delay will be activated and the overdrive will be disabled.

    2- Or you have a recall "ON" position. You can have All FX Off, and press FS1 to activate Boost, etc, and FS4 to recall all FX ON. But in this configuration, you won't be able to go back to OFF position for FX you want

    I assume, in your exemple, you would like to have a mix behaviour between 1 & 2 ; FS 1 to 3 ; toggle ON/OFF ; FS4 ; recall all ON....

    It would mean that you can (and have to) programm the behaviour of each switch in every Rigs X/:/

    I get that, and I would be okay with programming each switch in each slot. But in the end I used 2 slots of the performance... just seems kind of a waste to me, but I guess that's what they're for.

    It would be really great if I could somehow make multiple slots of multiple performances use the same "master" amp/cab combo. Then if I edit it in one place, it changes in all of them. It's a real pain to decide on a gig that my main dirty rhythm sound is a little dark, and realize that in order to fix it I'll have to edit 8 different slots (and not miss any somehow!)

    I've already made that feature request, but was trying to also kind of work around it with this solution. This is the primary reason I might go back to using a MIDI controller (ground control pro) instead of using the kemper remote. With CC controls programmed to each switch I can use rigs instead of performances and always reference the same rig with a variety of programs in the controller.

    Regardless, that's my issue... thanks to all for your input!

  • This is the primary reason I might go back to using a MIDI controller (ground control pro) instead of using the kemper remote. With CC controls programmed to each switch I can use rigs instead of performances and always reference the same rig with a variety of programs in the controller.

    I think this is a very important point.

    I have midi controllers and don't use them because the Kemper Remote is so simple and perfectly integrated with the KPA.

    If I want simple I use the Remote. If I want ultimate flexibility I use a dedicated midi controller.

    Trying to make the Remote as flexible as a dedicated midi controller is likely to make the workflow more complicated.

  • there are several threads dealing with such issue. Some people were asking for a second morph function. But that would not necessarily solve your issue. I think it should be possible. As on or off is typically a MIDI Command stating 0 or 127 … so not a big deal anyway.