• This one was fun and a challenge, and took me longer than expected. It took me a while just to find the right guitar tone I had in my head and translate that into the Kemper. The bass track was a challenge too, to where I was moving the volume up and down by 0.2db to make it fit. I also did the trick Per mentioned about duplicating the bass track into a separate low end and high end track so I could balance the thump against the pick attack better. The drums took me a helluva long time. There was only one 2/4 bar where I used an SD3 preset and I still had to finagle the notes one by one. I hope I can get the next ones out faster. This was exhausting!

    6505 H M2 profile on left track.

    TH-Diesel VH Four profile on right track.

    Wave Bass 72 +Punch profile on bass track.

    SD3 on drums.

    3.75 years on guitar today, and I think this one is pretty damn good if I do say so myself. Critique away.

    Happy 4th and Happy Weekend everyone!

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Great strides forward with the mix there! Even on my crapmac(tm) speakers I can hear the bass clearly. The drums are up front and the wolf notes on the guitars are much tamed. Excellent progress and job!

  • Some nice progress here ! I wonder if your delay is in sync with the beat or drums ?

    The small latency between your attack and drums make it feel like your play if after the beat ,which is often the opposite of what you want , I'd try to nudge the guitar parts a few ms on the left , before the drum beat.

    Your groove is improving , I's also suggest some PM &tight riff practice , everyday with a strong groovy beat. Running with the devil for instance, remember that the drum is the master here ; once you master it and play forward the drum, go for some tighter stuff like hot for teacher. I can assure you'll be groovin the hell out of your charvel once you master these.

  • Thanks guys!

    Per I'll keep working on that trick with the duplicated bass tracks for the low and high end. I think it's working for me.

    waraba I never thought to use the nudging technique. I've only used it when I first got the DAW to make fake doubling tracks. That's a good tip. I was using the Kemper dual delay with 3/16 and 5/16, I think. It's probably time I learned to use the tap tempo thingy.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.