Could software update change tap tempo to a preset?

  • Unless I'm playing in a U2 cover band I just find these tap tempo buttons useless.

    Could a software update change it to an additional preset button?

    I read something about using it as a volume boost, which is slightly better than tap tempo, but an extra preset button option would be ideal.

    Also, would a button "hold" function be a doable Kemper Remote option?

    Some midi switchers/modelers offer this (Voes/AxeFX/etc)

    You hold the button down for half a second or so which changes to a whole different saved preset(rig), unlike morphing which can just change parameters on the one rig.
    Morphing is great, but just curious if that could be done via software update?


  • You can assign several different functions to the Tap, Tuner and Looper buttons if you wish but unfortunately an additional preset isn’t one of the options.

    Hold is possible on the footswitches for example holding the Tap button changes from Tap Tempo to Beat Scanner. Therefore, the issue isn’t whether it can be done but whether Kemper feel it is worth doing. That will depend on the amount of interest from users. You should open a thread in the Feature Requests area of the forum.

  • It's not clear, what you really mean by "preset" in this context.

    If you mean "Rig", you could assign the function "Rig Up" or "Rig Down" to the TAP button. Not sure, that is meaningful as you can reach all Rigs via Up/Down and Rig Buttons anyhow.

    If you mean "Effect", you could use that button to assign one of the effect modules globally e. g. module D. And this could inlcude a booster in one Rig and a distortion in another. This button would always be there to acitivate and deactivate module D.

    Holding the buttons is reserved for another function: switching from latching to momentary mode. The Effect Buttons do that already. Tghis is also planned for external buttons as well as reassigned TAP, TUNER, LOOPER buttons.

  • Holding the buttons is reserved for another function: switching from latching to momentary mode. The Effect Buttons do that already. Tghis is also planned for external buttons as well as reassigned TAP, TUNER, LOOPER buttons.

    That would be a really nice update 👍

    Another thing that springs to mind which us Toaster/Rack users are able to benefit from is the ability to assign a footswitch to toggle on/off the entire Stomp section 😎