Reduce dry signal on drives

  • Hi would it be possible to remove the amount of dry signal under the kemper drive and green scream effects, even at 100% mix I can hear it, I know its by design but the mix knob can be used if required to add some back in. I'd like the mix at 100% to be actually 100% and not the 80% or so as it sounds to me at the moment anyway🙂 I find it more noticeable on profiles with 0. 0 gain, it does diminish with a bit of gain added to the amp thanks


  • I find it more noticeable on profiles with 0. 0 gain, it does diminish with a bit of gain added to the amp thanks


    That would be consistent with a real TS or other physical OD pedal. They were typically designed and used to push an already slightly dirty amp into more distortion. A TS into a totally clean amp isn't a sound most people would tend to use so I believe Kemper tried to replicate that in the Kemper Drive.

    I don't know the details of how the circuit works but I don't think adding direct mix behaves in the same way as the "direct" portion of a TS style pedal so setting the direct portion to 0 and using the Direct Mix probably wouldn't sound the same (I could be totally wrong on that count though but I'm sure someone with a better knowledge of the actual electronic circuits could explain it better).

  • Hi ya its there alright I just think it's a little bit too much and I'd like to be able to use the mix knob to be able to dial it, out thanks for the replys guys👍👍👍👍

    Cheers lads👍👍👍

    Edited once, last by fergal (April 22, 2022 at 4:35 PM).