Is there a good way to organize performances for each gig?

  • With the Rig Manager, is it possible to organize performances for specific gigs? For example, I may have 30 performances for "Mac's Tavern" gig, 40 for "Raleigh Brewing" etc. So on each venue that I gig at, I'll just load their corresponding performances onto my Kemper Profiler?

  • Yes

    Forscore can send a bluetooth midi message to the Kemper via a Yamaha MDBT01... Bottom line: as you progress through a set from one PDF to the next (say with an Airturn) it will automatically send a program change selecting a new performance on the Kemper.

    I store different gigs and different repertoires in separate folders in RM, and ditto, within Forscore I arrange songs into separate libraries.

    This takes some setting up but it is "set and forget" on a gig and you can vary the sequence of the sets on the fly with Forscore.

  • If you don’t need the additional functionality of a separate app you can achieve what you need in Rig Manager. You can set up folders in RM for each band/gig/etc and copy what you need to your Profiler as required.

    If the actual profiles are the same and only the orders change then you can leave everything you will need on the KPA but reorder by dragging and dropping songs.

    It will definitely work without anything external but as others have pointed out sometimes a specific app can make the whole thong much simpler and more efficient.

  • If you don’t need the additional functionality of a separate app you can achieve what you need in Rig Manager. You can set up folders in RM for each band/gig/etc and copy what you need to your Profiler as required.

    If the actual profiles are the same and only the orders change then you can leave everything you will need on the KPA but reorder by dragging and dropping songs.

    It will definitely work without anything external but as others have pointed out sometimes a specific app can make the whole thong much simpler and more efficient.

    This was the answer I was looking for. I don't want (or at least prefer not to need) a separate app. I wanna to this in RM.

    Yes the profiles will the same, since essentially to me, profile = song, so I'm essentially reordering songs, and add/delete them. And I have set up a folder (one for now) under the "Performances" menu, and called it "RaleighBrewing." But how do I "load" the "RaleighBrewing" folder onto my Kemper. Or is it already there, correct? If so how can I "recall" the "RaleighBrewing" folder on the Kemper? I do not bring a laptop to the gigs.


  • This was the answer I was looking for. I don't want (or at least prefer not to need) a separate app. I wanna to this in RM.

    Yes the profiles will the same, since essentially to me, profile = song, so I'm essentially reordering songs, and add/delete them. And I have set up a folder (one for now) under the "Performances" menu, and called it "RaleighBrewing." But how do I "load" the "RaleighBrewing" folder onto my Kemper. Or is it already there, correct? If so how can I "recall" the "RaleighBrewing" folder on the Kemper? I do not bring a laptop to the gigs.


    I am afraid that Wheresthedug proposed something different than you think:

    1. You can create in RM (not Profiler) separate folders according to your needs and you copy content of particular folder to Profiler when needed.


    2. You have everything in your Profiler and using drag & drop method just reorder everything according to your needs.

    Hope this explanation makes sense and helps you.

    Edited once, last by vjelen (April 22, 2022 at 10:17 AM).

  • Yes

    Forscore can send a bluetooth midi message to the Kemper via a Yamaha MDBT01... Bottom line: as you progress through a set from one PDF to the next (say with an Airturn) it will automatically send a program change selecting a new performance on the Kemper.

    I store different gigs and different repertoires in separate folders in RM, and ditto, within Forscore I arrange songs into separate libraries.

    This takes some setting up but it is "set and forget" on a gig and you can vary the sequence of the sets on the fly with Forscore.

    Well this sounds bloddy amazin to me ;) so i could have my Kemper fully loaded with 128 Performances as Songs and trigger them via my Ipad software over MIDI Bluetooth. I use SetList Maker and it has an extra MIDI functionality as an addon that should do exactly that. All I need is a MDBT01 or comparable.

    To go one step further i could also connect a MIDI Voice processing Tool to my Kemper and set the respective MIDI Programm in each Performance which in my case is a song and wouldn't have to take care of any effect / vocal adjustments anymore as a guitarist/singer...

    I know the second part is slightly of topic but i dont care because its amazin 8o sorry :)

  • To go one step further i could also connect a MIDI Voice processing Tool to my Kemper and set the respective MIDI Programm in each Performance which in my case is a song and wouldn't have to take care of any effect / vocal adjustments anymore as a guitarist/singer..Yes,

    Yes, I've done that... Takes some configuration but saves a lot of tap-dancing.

  • Well this sounds bloddy amazin to me ;) so i could have my Kemper fully loaded with 128 Performances as Songs and trigger them via my Ipad software over MIDI Bluetooth. I use SetList Maker and it has an extra MIDI functionality as an addon that should do exactly that. All I need is a MDBT01 or comparable.

    To go one step further i could also connect a MIDI Voice processing Tool to my Kemper and set the respective MIDI Programm in each Performance which in my case is a song and wouldn't have to take care of any effect / vocal adjustments anymore as a guitarist/singer...

    I know the second part is slightly of topic but i dont care because its amazin 8o sorry :)

    I understand your stuggle haha. I personally use a rig throughout the whole concert and uses morph as solos/ another kind of ambient sound.