Factory Profile List

  • I bought a Kemper STAGE last November(NEW)...

    I looked at the "Factory Profile List" on this site and mine doesn't have even close to all of the profiles listed. Is the list way out of date? Am I doing something wrong when browsing the profiles? Yes, I browse "all" profiles, not favorites. Does the STAGE version have the same 'factory profiles' as the other models?

    Should I do a factory reset?


  • I got this info from this link:


    "This is a list of all factory rigs that are available for the PROFILER™. A selection of these has been preinstalled in your PROFILER. Any Rigs in this list that are not part of the current factory content can be installed by either downloading the Rig packs from the download section download section of our website or by importing those Rig packs via KEMPER Rig Manager™."

  • All Factory Rigs are available in Rig Manager as Rig Packs and can be loaded into the PROFILER via double click temporarily for test purposes.

    We do not intend nor recommend to store every factory Rig available in the hardware. It would exhaust the memory and browsing through a list of thousand Rigs is cumbersome. Pick what you like and want to play. If you don't play bass, get rid of bass Rigs and so on.