Rig Manager no longer recognizes the profiler (after RM update?)

  • Seems like i just updated RM to Version 3.2.70 (17270), and now "Rig Manager cannot find a profiler or connect to the device."

    The STAGE is at

    No other changes. USB into iMac Mojave, 10.14.6.

    Usually, when i leave RM running, but shut down the Stage when i'm not using it, when i turn the Stage on, i sometimes had to switch between Browser and Performance and back to Browser modes to get RM to work. That's not effective anymore.


  • I just updated to 3.2.72 - no information whatsoever about what this update is doing. Some release notes would be helpful. It worked for a very long time in the background before reopening. Seems OK after a restart or two.

  • CKDexterHaven Please contact support.

    The next day, there was another update. That 'cured' the most significant problem, where the profiler couldn't recognize the Stage At All. But, now i still get that message on occasion when i boot the Stage, and i have to Quit RM and restart it. Previously, i could just switch the Stage from Browser to Performance and back again and the RM would then be in sync and would show me all my amp parameters.

    Now, though, that 'trick' doesn't work. Even if i don't get the error message about the Profiler not being recognized, the app doesn't communicate to the Stage. I will click on profiles but the profiles are not switching in the Stage... and i have to quit/restart the app.

    Ideally, i want to be able to keep the RM app open at all times, and have it responsive when i turn the Stage on.

    I'm now on RM 3.2.72..

  • I am having the same issue. Windows 10, RM Version, Release

    Profiler is sometimes found by RM but the connection is is eventually lost within a few minutes. Multiple reboots of PC and Toaster, Windows updated, RM uninstalled/reinstalled, driver uninstalled/reinstalled. Nothing resolves the intermittent connection. This is a new 'feature' for me.

    Edited once, last by lbieber (May 1, 2022 at 11:29 PM).

  • I am having the same issue. Windows 10, RM Version, Release

    Profiler is sometimes found by RM but the connection is is eventually lost within a few minutes. Multiple reboots of PC and Toaster, Windows updated, RM uninstalled/reinstalled, driver uninstalled/reinstalled. Nothing resolves the intermittent connection. This is a new 'feature' for me.

    I would definitely trying substituting another USB lead and maybe a different port on the PC to make sure it is not a connection issue. Usually, if the software configuration is messed up then the KPA will not be recognised at all (until you do some uninstalls and clean out the various files in the OS and then reinstall RM). Some of these devices are pretty fussy when it comes to USB leads.

    Edited once, last by Antipodes: BTW - that RM version is working fine for me on Win 8.1 and Win 10. (May 2, 2022 at 3:07 PM).

  • I would definitely trying substituting another USB lead and maybe a different port on the PC to make sure it is not a connection issue. Usually, if the software configuration is messed up then the KPA will not be recognised at all (until you do some uninstalls and clean out the various files in the OS and then reinstall RM). Some of these devices are pretty fussy when it comes to USB leads.

    I've tried substituting cables multiple times. Bad cabling is not an issue on my side. USB is a known quantity and the USB certification process is rigorous. I don't know what you mean by fussy devices? As I mentioned, I've uninstalled and reinstalled.

    I opened a ticket last night. Support responded this morning and requested that I send a few files. I've done that and am waiting to hear a response.

  • Some devices like the Line6 modellers will sometimes not complete updates successfully using USB leads that have worked fine for other purposes. I had some issues of this nature and there were quite a few others who also had them and finding a better quality lead worked for me. Some leads work fine for power but not so well for large contiguous chunks of data at USB 3 speeds.

  • Here's an update from Kemper support:

    Here is some additional information on what an unstable USB connection means: Rig Manager and Profiler exchange data using a USB connection from your computer to Profiler. Depending on the way your computer hardware and software is set up, data can be lost or damaged during the transmission. As a result, some actions don't work as expected. For instance, Rigs don't get deleted or synced.

    In order to deal with this issue, you need to make sure that your USB connection works without issues.

    Here are a couple of hints on how to deal with those types of issues:

    - Use another USB port

    - Avoid using a hub for Profiler which is shared with other USB devices

    - Temporarily remove other USB devices and check if the issue persists

    There is no general advice which always works. We've introduced the error message you're seeing as a result of frequent support inquiries which indicated USB related issues. The issue itself was present all the time. It is likely that the issue is related to the way your computer is setup.

    With best regards, Marc

    Kemper Amps Support Team

    No mention of the files that they requested and that I sent. Interesting that support made no comment about them at all.

    At this time, the response from support is not helpful. I responded with questions. I hope support will provide a more useful level of support moving forward on this issue.

  • Follow up on Kemper support in response to another email from me:

    Marc @ Kemper Amps Support

    I don't have more than this response for you. The log you've sent over doesn't show anything special that needs further analysis.

    With best regards, Marc

    Kemper Amps Support Team

    Looks like Kemper is done as far as "supporting" my issue. This is my first interaction with the support team and I have heard good things about them from posts on this forum. I have also seen posts where users were frustrated with the the level of support they received. So, count me in the frustrated group.

    The following 2 sentence word salad from support has me baffled: We've introduced the error message you're seeing as a result of frequent support inquiries which indicated USB related issues. The issue itself was present all the time. Perhaps this is a sentence constructed by a non-native English writer? It makes zero sense. The overall message is that I'm on my own to figure it out. Maybe this will motivate me to hang a scope on the lines and attach the USB protocol analyzer at my work to figure out what is going on. Not how I want to spend my time.

    This has made me curious as to whether Kemper units have achieved USB compliance certification. I haven't seen Kemper use the USB compliance logo in any of their material.

  • I had similar issue with other sw/device and the reason was that in Windows 10 standard setup of usb port is, that after some time of inactivity the port is switched off. This behavior can be changed to "allways on". This is probably not your case but just check it to be 100% sure.