• So ive been in contact with kemper support sadly no further forward. After wasting over a week of sending DI's and backup folders etc im still right back to where i was before and no further forward at all. They tried to pass it off as an interface problem (the air switch on my 4pre) are you kidding me?!! which i instantly de-bunked when i explained i connected my monitors directly to the kemper completely bypassing the interface and the problem was still there clear as day not to mention the AIR function will in no way ON or OFF would destroy a signal like that. They had no response to that. They advised me to come back here and post DI tracks for forum members to re-amp to get "a second opinion"...this is crazy!...Can you believe this? I feel like they shoved me out the door shut said door and placed a "we are closed" sign in the window with a nice big middle finger... what is the purpose of Kemper support if they brush you off back onto the forum making it somebody else's problem again...disgusting support and a complete waste of time. Im absolutely fuming mad over this and at the end of the day im STILL stuck with this thing! and if i sold it i would lose the £1000's that i've invested in gear and bundles trying to this fix this mess. Its bloody astonishing how much of a flying turd Kemper dont give about this situation.

    What can i do?


  • So, I would try another interface and record the DI signals.

    I buy my gear almost exclusively from Sweetwater because they guarantee free for 2 years no matter the OEM warranty. This won't help you now but it may help others reading this especially when getting expensive gear. I've only had to use that SW guarantee once, and it was for a Bass guitar.

    There are only 2 things I buy used if it costs more than $500. 1) car. 2) house.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited once, last by BayouTexan (April 26, 2022 at 11:53 PM).

  • Sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the support you received. The first recordings you sent were suffering from an excessive amount of high-frequency content due to the fact that you were using the microphone preamps of your interface to record a line-level signal.

    The second recording you provided was done with SPDIF and when we reamped your DI recording using the same rig from your backup the resulting recording was completely identical to your reference recording.

    If you give me your permission I will upload the tracks for comparison.

    It is sad to see that you did obviously not appreciate the time and effort that was spent to respond to your emails and help you to get a proper recording out of your setup that ultimately proved that your Profiler sounds exactly like the one in our office which means that there is no need to send yours to a service center for repair.

  • So, I would try another interface and record the DI signals.

    I buy my gear almost exclusively from Sweetwater because they guarantee free for 2 years no matter the OEM warranty. This won't help you now but it may help others reading this especially when getting expensive gear. I've only had to use that SW guarantee once, and it was for a Bass guitar.

    There are only 2 things I buy used if it costs more than $500. 1) car. 2) house.

    Its not the interface i know this for certain iam onto my third interface upgrade and they all do the same result also i know its not an interface issue because the problem also comes out of my monitors when they are plugged directly into my kemper. The DI signals are perfect DI's no breakup no problems its only the instant distortion is added to the signal it becomes this wash of broken static in the midd to high range that no amount of EQ will fix. Its not an EQ problem its a something else...maybe a chip inside or something i dunno...its got to the point where all i hear is that damn noise...i think i might just start mic'ing up my rockerverb and burn my kemper. pfff!

  • I read back over this, I should have done that before my last comment...

    I'm not disputing the OPs claim, because I don't know enough of the details. I had to reach out to support about the battery issue and they were quite helpful, so I have no reason to think they're being unreasonable either. I can say, though, that there are a lot of variable in the described recording chain.

    I'd suggest this: try connecting both via SPDIF (if that really matters to your workflow) and analog simultaneously. Download Reaper - it will run without licensing it - and record both inputs. See if you still have the issue, and is it with both tracks? That might narrow down the cause. If you have access to another recorder all the better.

  • Sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the support you received. The first recordings you sent were suffering from an excessive amount of high-frequency content due to the fact that you were using the microphone preamps of your interface to record a line-level signal.

    The second recording you provided was done with SPDIF and when we reamped your DI recording using the same rig from your backup the resulting recording was completely identical to your reference recording.

    If you give me your permission I will upload the tracks for comparison.

    It is sad to see that you did obviously not appreciate the time and effort that was spent to respond to your emails and help you to get a proper recording out of your setup that ultimately proved that your Profiler sounds exactly like the one in our office which means that there is no need to send yours to a service center for repair.

    Im just so damn depressed with the ongoing situation thats been going on for years i dont even know what to do anymore with it. Its just all taking its toll on me. All i ever wanted was my lil toaster to kick ass and sadly it hasnt been the case for me and im lashing out in frustration. Please forgive my stress's my head is really up my arse with this whole thing i think i just need to take a long break from my unit to clear out my head a bit.

    Forgive my mood i will always appreciate and DO appreciate your input and everyone in the forum.


  • do you hear any difference in the reamping that we provided in comparison to your own recording?

    Other than the reamp was louder i couldn't really tell a difference at all. Could it be ive been taken in by the commercial bundles and they are not as good as i expected them to be? Please accept my genuine apologies its been real a tough experience mentally for me and my toaster everything you have done i greatly appreciate and that goes for everyone in the forum who has offered their support too...i feel like a big asshole who shoulda been more thankful of the support rather than going on a negative rant and spitting his dummy out.

    ALL you guys are awesome x

  • External Content soundcloud.com
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    The comparison between my recording and the Kemper support Re-amp using the "1971 Mars Golup" Profile. The first sound is my recording then it cuts to the REAMP and backwards and forwards between the two. The only real difference i could hear was the REAMP was slightly louder.

    Here is a link to the DI track to download if anyone would like to try a re-amp

    External Content soundcloud.com
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    Thanks again to everyone for putting up with my diva-ness x

  • External Content soundcloud.com
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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
    The comparison between my recording and the Kemper support Re-amp using the "1971 Mars Golup" Profile. The first sound is my recording then it cuts to the REAMP and backwards and forwards between the two. The only real difference i could hear was the REAMP was slightly louder.

    Here is a link to the DI track to download if anyone would like to try a re-amp

    External Content soundcloud.com
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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    Thanks again to everyone for putting up with my diva-ness x

    Both tracks are good. All is well. Move along people.

    Note that you can make the original-to-reamp volume the same by either raising the volume on the reamp DAW track or by adjusting the Reamp Sens on Kemper.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Im just so damn depressed with the ongoing situation thats been going on for years i dont even know what to do anymore with it. Its just all taking its toll on me. All i ever wanted was my lil toaster to kick ass and sadly it hasnt been the case for me and im lashing out in frustration. Please forgive my stress's my head is really up my arse with this whole thing i think i just need to take a long break from my unit to clear out my head a bit.

    Forgive my mood i will always appreciate and DO appreciate your input and everyone in the forum.


    Anyone that can stand up and own their mistakes is good in my book.

    Dude, your frustration is obvious and to some degree understandable.

    I still think there are 2 possible causes, possibly both:

    1) Any technical issues you are getting is interface related. I know you say you've ruled it out but I've tried 2 interfaces myself and had issues with windows/ASIO etc. I never get those types of problems via headphones or via a speaker cabinet. Not sure if you did rule it out using that method but that's the only true way to narrow it down.

    2) You have had such a negative experience that you are now hyper sensitive to the sound ( as you said all you can hear are issues). I think the samples sound OK, no major issues. I never thought you had an problem with your unit, so I'm not surprised after reamping the tracks sound the same. You have the sound in your head or the sound you hear others getting and can't work out why. we've all been there - why does that slick commercial profile in the video not sound the same. Answer is because the signal chain is not the same, post production, playing....it goes on...

    Not sure I have the answers for you but part of it I feel is about trying to move past this in your mindset. Otherwise I think it will ultimately end in you changing to a different solution.

    Really, really hope you get it sorted

  • Thanks man. Yeah i think im kinda stuck LISTENING for that problem now.When i use my Kemper that is the first thing i listen for now and thats a bad habbit i cant seem to shake. I think the best course of action is to take a big break from using my kemper and to go make other music using other gear (i also compose synthwave stuff) so i may just go do that for a few weeks/months to try and remove that bad process in my head/ear of listening out for that "problem" that probably aint even there and then come back to my toaster with a fresh head/ears and a hopefully a new found excitement.

    Thanks again dude.