Portable small monitor to bring to gigs?

  • Hey guys,

    I use a Kemper Stage live and absolutely love it! I mainly gig at venues where there's a proper PA and I have my own wedge, but sometimes it happens that there's no separate wedge for me and the level of the guitar on the shared wedge is not what I would like.

    I tried using the Powered Kabinet for a while but tbh it's a bit too bulky for my taste, it kind of defeats the purpose of the portable all-in-one solution which is the Stage. And I don't really feel the need for using the Kone functions, imprints etc.

    So I was thinking of purchasing a small, portable wedge which I take to gigs and leave in my car when I have a personal wedge, but take the stage when I don't have the amount of guitar volume I'd like. Anybody made similar considerations? Any tips?


  • Have you tried the Headrush 12". Its light, inexpensive (compared to other flat response speakers), portable and will sound good.

    I do exactly what you refer to above. I use an old Crate APM 75 watt PA I picked up on the cheap, then replaced the 12" speaker in the wedge to a Kemper Kone. Total cost was about $280.

    Good luck!

  • I have used a TC Helicon FX150 for those situations. It’s loud enough for a personal monitor. Can mount to a mic stand or even sit on the floor as a wedge. It has a built in 3 channel mixer. The tone is pretty good considering the size. I know Mackie and Behringer make similar units.

  • Any powered wedge should be fine.

    Many people loved the Yamaha DXR10 although they are quite expensive.

    Surprised you find the powered kabinet too big though...the nonpowered version is so small and light but then if you are using it front of stage in a wedge approach I can understand that..

  • Thanks for replying guys.

    I have used a TC Helicon FX150 for those situations. It’s loud enough for a personal monitor. Can mount to a mic stand or even sit on the floor as a wedge. It has a built in 3 channel mixer. The tone is pretty good considering the size. I know Mackie and Behringer make similar units.

    Cool I'll check them out, thanks!

    Any powered wedge should be fine.

    Many people loved the Yamaha DXR10 although they are quite expensive.

    Surprised you find the powered kabinet too big though...the nonpowered version is so small and light but then if you are using it front of stage in a wedge approach I can understand that..

    Thanks for the advice!

    Yeah I don't need the AITR experience on stage, tbh. Just looking for a personal wedge which doesn't throw my sound all over the stage, but just to me. The band gets my sound on their wedges as well so no need for any further dispersion.

  • I find the DXR10 not at all good for home use, way to middy, and a little fan buzzing, but I find it FANTASTIC for band use. As wedge you can point it from the floor to your head even if there's little room and it will always cut through the mix, even when there's another guitar or a sax blaring next to you, and does clean and dirty quite well. I also own the power Kabinet, but still use the DXR for band rehearsals. With 14.6 kg it's on the heavy side (mkII is 13.9 kg), but it also is a solid piece of gear and it has a good carry handle, and you can get a nice soft cover for it. With DXR in one hand, the stage in a backpack and guitarcase in the other hand, I can transport everything in one trip from the car. I use it since 2013.

  • I find the DXR10 not at all good for home use, way to middy, and a little fan buzzing, but I find it FANTASTIC for band use. As wedge you can point it from the floor to your head even if there's little room and it will always cut through the mix, even when there's another guitar or a sax blaring next to you, and does clean and dirty quite well. I also own the power Kabinet, but still use the DXR for band rehearsals. With 14.6 kg it's on the heavy side (mkII is 13.9 kg), but it also is a solid piece of gear and it has a good carry handle, and you can get a nice soft cover for it. With DXR in one hand, the stage in a backpack and guitarcase in the other hand, I can transport everything in one trip from the car. I use it since 2013.

    Thanks a lot!