Why do I have to often re-calibrate pedals.

  • I notice I often have to recalibrate my expression pedals attached to my remote. It's a real PITA. Because I usually don't notice unless something is wrong. "Hmm ,I don't seem to be getting enough output/gain, S**t the volume pedal calibration is off." Or, the other pedal I use as a Wah or pitch pedal, not good if you're supposed to go an Octave and It's not quite there. That's embarrassing. I really don't think I should have to check all these parameters when I set up. load in, set up soundcheck, and hope I catch it. My kemper isn't near my remote pedals at a Gig so it's really hard to do the calibration when the kemper is offstage. Ya know? Solution?

  • Why do you think, it's a PROFILER problem? I never recalibrate.

    I guess, there is a problem either with your cable or pedal itself. Or could it be, that you are pulling plugs at your Remote causing short cuts while the PROFILER is up and running? Or are you using an expression pedal with a range pot and its range isn't set to maximum or could be "moving"?

  • Or could it be, that you are pulling plugs at your Remote causing short cuts while the PROFILER is up and running

    I also never need to recalibrate but that is great information. I wouldn’t have thought about that being a potential problem but I’ll be sure not to do it in future just in case.

  • The PROFILER performs constant recalibration. So, if the resistance range of an expression pedal is increasing, it will automatically adapt. But pulling the cable could create unusual resistances which could mislead the recalibration.

  • I am aware of the pulling plugs thing. I make sure everything is plugged in before I turn it on. New good cables. Solid pedals. Dunlop dvp3 when I notice it (usually volume pedal)dvp3. I notice it seems to be about 90-95% when in toe position when I go to the calibration page. Ha I just remembered. Damn. Last weekend, Fast setup. Pedal 3&4 were switched, and i had to switch them out. That must have been it. Um… never mind…?(

  • As Burkhard mentions, the Profiler is in constant recalibration when an expression pedal is attached.

    This has been found to be problematic with some DIY Expression Pedals with an included toe switch. This is due to the fact that when activating the switch, the exp range is extended, thus automatically setting a new max value for the profiler. This max value, however, will generally not be reached when moving the pedal as this is done below the "switch activation threshold" As a result, once the switch is activated, the max value of the pedal in toe position will not be reached.

    If you want to lears more about this issue and the corresponding discussion, check it out in this thread here:

    Not convinced with kempers pedal calibration: FIX NEEDED?

    Hope this helps!

  • Good to know. Thanks for the link. No pedal switches for me. My wah/pitch pedal is a DIY I made from a crybaby I gutted one that survived my House fire. I wanted it to feel like a wah. Nothing in there but the necessary components for an expression pedal, and no switch, And I removed the rubber feet on the under side of the foot pad. So 100% is 100%. I use the dvp3 strickly as a volume pedal on the left side, The Crybaby for wah and pitch, to the far left, and two Boss FS-5U's I use to morph, which usually is a solo boost with some changes. Love these. The remote switches are kind of close, so I found I had to be too careful or I would maybe hit the wrong thing. To use them you need to use a regular mono patch cable. I have one on the left, polarity set to the left (normally closed) that gives you the same function at the remote pedal but all by itself and bigger, you don't have to look and can slam it. The one on the right side of the remote, I set the polarity to the right(normally open) which means you have to press down and let it up for it to activate. I use that when I need to be precise. I don't have to lift my foot find the button and click it, I hold my foot on the button and release it for it to immediately morph. I use that as must as the other. also works just the same as if you press AND release.

    Edited 2 times, last by jon9max (February 17, 2022 at 2:20 PM).

  • As Burkhard mentions, the Profiler is in constant recalibration when an expression pedal is attached.

    This has been found to be problematic with some DIY Expression Pedals with an included toe switch. This is due to the fact that when activating the switch, the exp range is extended, thus automatically setting a new max value for the profiler. This max value, however, will generally not be reached when moving the pedal as this is done below the "switch activation threshold" As a result, once the switch is activated, the max value of the pedal in toe position will not be reached.

    If you want to lears more about this issue and the corresponding discussion, check it out in this thread here:

    Not convinced with kempers pedal calibration: FIX NEEDED?

    Hope this helps!

    We tested this extensively with several units of the Mission EP1 with toe switch that we sell ourselves in our online store. We were never able to reproduce such problems. The toe switch of the EP1 is designed in a way, that it doesn't extend the pedal range!

    Your link is referring to a thread which is idle since 2016! No issues related to branded expression pedals with built-in toe switch have been reported since then - except if such a pedal turned out to be just broken and required repair.

    Such issues only exists with a handful of no-name self-made pedals. Sorry, but we are not intending to trade-off the advantages of our auto-calibration for the majority of users against those few unsuitable units. Their owners have the choice to either acquire a good branded pedal or not use the toe switch and trigger the wah effect via one of the "bypass@...." pedal modes instead.

  • Wups, didn't really expect to set off any alarms here Burkhard. I explicitly mentioned that it was a known issue with DIY pedals. Not knowing the OP's setup I linked to the thread so he could look for himself in case there was any relevant information for him there instead of having to go back and forth to troubleshoot...