Volume Levels

  • Interesting isn't it..... I never touch the amp volume and always balance using rig volume and morph the rig volume. I think I'm a bit lazy as the rack and toaster have the rig volume as a separate knob and most balancing I do at a gig/rehearsal ( to make very minor adjustments).

    I guess the main difference is that the amp volume is exactly that, whereas rig is the overall output ( including effects).

  • Interesting isn't it..... I never touch the amp volume and always balance using rig volume and morph the rig volume. I think I'm a bit lazy as the rack and toaster have the rig volume as a separate knob and most balancing I do at a gig/rehearsal ( to make very minor adjustments).

    I guess the main difference is that the amp volume is exactly that, whereas rig is the overall output ( including effects).

    if you have spillover activated (don’t we all?) there is no practical difference, since reverb and delay trails will still behave the same.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • if you have spillover activated (don’t we all?) there is no practical difference, since reverb and delay trails will still behave the same.

    Unless you have a volume sensitive FX such as Compressor/Boost/Drive after the Stack. In this case increasing Amp Volume will push the compressor harder.

  • Yes if you have a post stack comp that is ofcourse correct. Yet another reason to use Rog Volume (for me and they way i organise my sounds, ofcourse).

    I don't use amp volume as a "boost" only to level all my profiles. it's normally like -2 to +1 nothing too much is needed so I don't worry about post FX as they are tailored for that profile. Rig volume is where I boost solo volume normally, if I just want a bit of a boost (like a pedal into a driven tube amp) sometimes I'll use a pedal or clean boost up front. ( I love having those options and love the clean boost and how it works with the amp )

  • All these options are available on all models. If they weren’t, rigs would not be compatible actoss models.

    What I was saying is that there is no dedicated rig volume knob on the stage like there is on the toaster. I own both. You have to navigate to the rig section by pressing the rig button to get to the rig volume. On the toaster the knob labeled “rig volume” is for the rig volume and the knob labeled “master volume” is for the main output. The only dedicated volume knob on the stage is the master volume.