Using Digitech Trio+ with Kemper Stage

  • Hopefully this will be simple for someone here....

    I have a Kemper Stage hooked up to a Trio+ in this manner; Guitar --> Kemper input --> send 1 on the Kemper --> input of Trio+. The Trio+ mixer output runs to the mixer. This works fine for using the looper, pretty simple because I am not trying to run the looper back into the Kemper like I have seen in other threads here . ( I don't use the headphone out on the Kemper)

    The main outs on the Kemper run directly to the mixer. When I play the loop back and play a lead part along with the loop using a different profile, the signal from the Kemper is still going to the Trio+. So the signal is going to 3 mixer channels; not good at all. I am looking for a way to in effect "turn off send 1" when I play along with the loop and turn it back on when I record a new loop. 

    I thought I could (maybe) do this with some kind of simple footswitch. I am new to the Kemper so I have been reading the manual and searching the forum but have not found what I am looking for. Any help would be much appreciated.


    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • After posting the above I took a break and realized I used to have an amp switch (A/B - Both) that might do what I wanted. I haven't used that switch for probably 10 years. I found it, put a battery in and hooked it up and it works perfectly.

    If there is a way to do this all in the Kemper without the A/B switch I'd still like to hear about it. Leaving the switch plugged in will run the battery in the switch down and it's just another thing to remember when shutting down the studio . I'll be looking for an A/B switch that doesn't use a battery until someone shows me how to set up the Kemper to do the same thing.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • I would think that simply placing the Trio in a Loop FX Block. When the loop is active it will send sound to the trio. When it is bypassed sound will go straight to the KPA outputs without being sent to the Trio.

    If you are using a midi footswitch or the Kemper remote this is easy to do. If you don’t have either of these and want a simple old school alternative just use a momentary footswitch plugged into one of the pedal inputs on the KPA. In system menu you will find an option that lets you set the purpose of the pedal to toggle on/off Z (where Z in my example equals the Stomp block A -D or FX block X to Rev)

  • I don't think you can assign switching on/off any of the Kemper's outputs to a foot-switch. So you're better off finding pedal, that does not use batteries. Also you don't really need A/B box, kill switch should do the job for you and with less footprint.

    I'm running the same setup, but Trio's Amp out (which carries loop) goes into Mimiq, and stereo pair of Mimiq into mixer, then panning it hard left and right. This gets doubletracked rhythm guitar section. And the Mixer out (that carries drums and bass) goes to mixer. I like how it widens the loop, so you might want to try that :)

    Offtopic: I've noticed you're using a solid coupler between your A/B and Trio+, in a long run this can damage your pedals (CSGuitars's video everyone posts addressing this topic)

    Edit: while I was typing, Wheresthedug suggested a good solution :)

  • Problem solved! Thanks to Wheresthedug

    So, what I have now is Send 2 on the Kemper --> Trio+ input with the X effect slot set to effect loop triggered by the II stomp. I am not using the Return input on the Kemper. When II stomp is engaged the signal goes to the looper and does not go out the Main L/R outputs. When II stomp is off the signal only goes to the Main L/R. Exactly what I wanted.

    Now I can go back to using the Guitar Out on the Trio+ to separate the guitar signal from the Bass and drums as ThrashFlesh suggested. That's the way I used it before I got the Kemper (less than a month ago).

    Now I need to learn the best (quickest) way to assign that X effect slot to all Rigs.... damn this hole just gets deeper and deeper....

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • I am new to Kemper, I think I'm in my 3rd week of learning so I'm not sure what you mean.

    I been thinking about it and fear it may be something that has to be done for each rig on a one at a time basis. If a rig already has something assigned to the X effect slot will it be over written?

    Locking is key...

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • What TomR said is the answer to your problem.

    Hold the X block to select it then push the Lock button. Now every rig will have the Loop in the X block but everything else will change as normal. However, it would be good practice to hit save each time you load a new rig. That way you will be able to unlock X again in future incase you want som rigs with something else in the X block.

  • I feel like I opened up a can of worms and created more work for myself. Thanks for all the help but after working with this setup I went back to the AB switch. It seems that Send 2 will not allow me to select a source so the effects are not passing to the looper (not recorded in the looper).

    But on the bright side, I learned a lot about the Kemper today.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • I haven't used my Trio for a few years so I don't know if my previous experience will help, and I have an original unpowered Kemper head, but I posted my setup here: Help needed for Kemper PowerHead and connecting to Trio+ - my ABY switch is a Radial BigShot from about 8 years ago, doesn't need power.

    Thanks for your input. I have ditched the ABY switch and now use the RM software to turn the output from the Kemper on or off as needed.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"