Best Way to Isolate Tracks

  • So, I'm a guitar player and I also like to play Piano sometimes, and I've always been intrested in backing tracks or some other remixed version of ''classic songs'' to play over them; to remove the part (instrument) I 'm going to play and have fun,.. pretending to be a great musician playing with Interational Stars :D(...just jokeing but not so much)

    Sometimes it's easy; i.e. in a track where giutars are hard panned L/R I can simply take the other side of the guitar I want to play, I duplicate it, adjust a bit and that's all.

    (it's not so good when it comes the Solo part, usually played in center or on both side but.. ok.. I can survive)

    but Somentimes it's not so easy and I need to use another method.

    So the question is: What is the best, or al least a Good one, Software, Plugin, or on-line service to use ?

    I've tryed Moises and Splitter but I can't say I'm completly Satisfied, lots of artefacts, too many for me.

    Somebody suggested to try Rebalance by Isotope or RipX DeepRemix by Hit n Mix.

    What do You use?

  • I might try that out too. Start watching at the 9:00 mark. Freakin cool!

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited 3 times, last by BayouTexan (February 9, 2022 at 4:20 PM).

  • Thanks for Your Advices !

    Yes, I guess Rebalance By Izotope is reeaally good for this,

    I have to try! It's included in RX9 with many other Cool Features.

    What scared me a bit it's the Reassembling part: I mean, in that video he says around 12:30 that there are some artefacts But, When You put together, it's all good, ... well, it doesn't always happens with on line services like Moises or Splitter, and, anyway, the fact is that I'm not going to re-assemble All the original parts: I want to replace One of those part With My Part.

    So I guess I have to live with those artefact, maybe triyng to mask them a bit, ..but all things considered it seems fair/acceptable.

    i.e. I had splited Piano and Voice from this live recording, to Play my piano part with her singing.

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    It's a bit annoing to have those kind of .. phasy/crackling/hiss sounds in the voice track EXACTLY in the moment You need ''Silence'' or ''Hold on'' Moments.

    Edited once, last by Sollazzon (February 9, 2022 at 6:10 PM).

  • I would like to try to disassemble all the tracks then track my cover over each one; bass, drums, guitars, etc. and put together with the original vocals but with all my music. That would be fun! Even Steven Tyler can be my singer. LOL.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Yes Exactly! It would be cool Right?!?

    and it's also a good exercize to Test your abilities, Everithing may sound right Over the entire song but if you star to ''delete'' somethings ..humm..

    A thing I find really difficoult is to Play In Time, expecially with those kind of songs not recorded at Mertonome, a bit faster here, a lil slower there.. and probably you also have to Play softly but Not Slowly here; Play Louder but not faster there;.. to master tempo and dinamic it's not easy at all.

    Maybe the secret is just to feel comfortable with the mood of the song and don't think at all about all that stuff, Just Play Naturally, that's the best take You can get! ..I guess.

  • Think of playing guitar as your emotions - like at a football game. Your team goes to score so you scream and cheer -- this is 150bpm. Then he misses the goal are you are all depressed and quite -- that's like 80bpm. And you did this conversion of emotions in like 10 seconds. ;)

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited once, last by BayouTexan (February 14, 2022 at 2:14 AM).

  • PuhA!

    just found this guy who loaded on dropbox a version of the whole Appetite For Distruction.

    ther's a track without Slash, Another one Without Giutars, one Just with the Rhythm Giutar and one it's the click to start songs in time.

    This is a Good Job, .. He said he Used ''RipX DeepAudio and Audacity to isolate some parts and Mixed it on Reaper''

    It would be better to have all Isolated tracks but.. ok! This is usefull to practise AFD's Covers.

    Check it out If You Like the album

  • I got Izotope RX 9 so I can rip that stuff easy! I haven't reassembled anything back yet with my tracks to see how the end result is.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I had always used capo in the past for this and it is not very good for isolation, but great for slowing down and looping sections.

    I recently found this app on the mac store which is free if you don't need to save the tracks and pretty cheap if you don't.

    (I have got ripx to evaluate so will be doing a video on that soon)

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